The surprise

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Cams POV:
I helped her off the car and up the hill into my hideout. I opened the door and guided her into the glass shaped dome. The table was set, it was already sunset. She picked up her hair and I untied the blindfold I took it off and put it in my pocket. Once she opened her eyes, she gasped.
Ambers POV:
I gasped, it was breathtaking. The floor was grass, but no dirt or nothing. Flowers popped up everywhere, I was sure I saw a couple of butterflies flying around. It was a glass dome, A GLASS DOME!! You could see the sunset perfectly. "Do you like it?" Cam asked. "Like? I love it, I could live here!!" I yelled. He laughed his cute laughed. He walked me to the table set up. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down. He pushed in the chair. He walked around the table and sat down. There was bread sticks, spaghetti, fancy glasses of water, and ice cream sundaes. "I have to ask, how do you keep this up during winter?" asked. "I have my ways," he smirked. I tasted the spaghetti, and it tasted amazing. He just watched me. "So, Amber, how old are you?" He asked curiously. "15, you?"I asked. "I'm 16, like Shawn and the boys." He replied. He started eating, so did I. We finished in about ten minutes. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked me. I just blushed and looked down at my plate and looked back to Cameron. "Ya," I said shyly. "Follow me," Cam said getting up. I got up too and followed him. He held my hand, and walked with me. We turned right into bushes, but hidden inside was a hot tub. "Omg, wow, this place had everything." I said looking at the big got tub. He laughed, "let's jump in," he said. "Are you crazy? What about my clothes and makeup?" I asked laughing. He shrugged and jumped in. I screamed and the warm water splashed on me and my clothes. I just watched him, until he dissapeared, then I was underwater. I rose up, I coughed and water came from my nose. I gasped for air. "Cameron!!" I yelled furious.

Cameron's POV;
She yelled my name, mad. I laughed and jumped in. I rose up quickly and swam up to her. "I'm sorry babe," I whispered in her ear. "Ugh, I guess I forgive you." She said sounding like a five year old. I kissed her on the cheek and swam in front of her. I picked her up by her shoulders and threw her into the water. Her head popped up and she swam towards me and swam behind me. She hugged me from behind. "I love you," she whispered in my ear. It turned dark and the stars were coming out, Amber and I got out of the hot tub and dried off. We were completely dry now. We hopped in my car and drove her home. She fell asleep, she was so cute when asleep. I shook her gently. "Wake up Amber," I told her.she fluttered her eyes open. "Sorry," she laughed while stretching. I took her all the way to the door but when she was about to leave I brought the necklace out. "Amber, I really had fun tonight and want to do it again sometime. I put the necklace in her hands.

he looked at it and hugged me. "I had fun too, and thank you it's beautiful Cam." She thanked me. "Definitely not as beautiful as you." I said as I took the necklace and hung it around her neck. She blushed. I grabbed her cheek and leaned in, she leaned in too. We kissed, she was an amazing kisser, and there was definitely sparks. I am definitely in love with her now. She leaned back slowly. "Uh, thank you so much Cam, I had an amazing time," she said smiling and red blushing. She walked in and shut the door. I got in my car and left.

Sorry short chapter lol- M

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