Plans change

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 I was going to do it obviously not around Lilly. I knew it was a crazy plan but I am just sick of it. Then the bell rang the day passed by really slow. I walked up to Andrew, who was leaning on his car on his phone. "Hey," Andrew said. "Hi," I replied. "So tomorrow we don't have school, you excited?" He said. I totally forgot we didn't have school tomorrow, I didn't even know why we were off but I had to plan something else. "Ya, I'm excited." I lied. "Cool, well I'm leaving early tomorrow so I'll be back about twelve." He informed me. "Okay," I said exasperated. Andrew and I jumped in the car and waited in the traffic. I thought I could invite Lilly and we could hang out. So I got out my phone and turned it on and clicked on my contacts and found Lilly, I had told her about everything then waited for her to reply. Quickly she answered back she had said yes. I had to come up with a new plan. 

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