Fun times

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We both ate the guacamole and chips. Shawn and I went on a search for candles and a lighter. We put them all over the house. "Hey, Amber" Shawn whispered. "Sup," I said bored. "Lets make a fort!" Shawn whispered excitedly. I laughed. "A fort?" I laughed. "Yes a fort!" he said. He sounded like a four year old, it was funny. His eyes met mine, they were drowning me, making me melt.

I don't like trusting Shawn. Shawn just stared at me with hopeful eyes. "Um, I guess, we don't really have much to do." I said. "Yes!" he yelled excitedly.  I laughed and feel back, then he ran over and helped me up. "Oww! " I yelled. My arms felt like they were on fire. "Are you ok?" Shawn asked. I shook my head. "Um, when you're mom left she said the pain killers were in the cabinet. "Shawn informed me. "My pain killers?" I asked confused. The pain came and then left, it was horrible. Shawn walked to the cabinet and searched for it. He pulled out a orange bottle. He handed me a small pill to swallow. I couldn't bare the pain, it was too much, so I just swallowed it. "It'll kick in soon."Shawn informed me. 

"You still wanna make that fort?" I asked waiting for it to kick in. "Duh." Shawn exclaimed. I laughed. "Lets get to work then." I laughed.  Shawn and I walked up the stairs and went straight to the blanket closet and grabbed about four sheets. I grabbed some rubber bands from my desk, and met up with Shawn in the living room. He dragged the kitchen chairs to the living room. We placed each chair in a corner of the room. I threw up the sheet over a chair, and placed a rubber band over a part of the sheet and the corner of the chair, Shawn and I repeated it, then, Shawn brought two sheets together and I placed a rubber band over together to intertwine the two sheets, we repeated the process again, until the sheets were all tied together. The middle was still floppy so Shawn and I pushed the chairs a little bit inward and brought the last kitchen chair in the middle of it all.

 "Finally! We are done!"I said exhausted. Shawn laughed, he stepped back and admired our fort. "Im exhausted."I announced. "Probably the pain killers. "Shawn suggested.  "Yeah," I said. I crawled through the tiny entrance, and layed down towards the back. Shawn followed behind. He layed right next to me. Shawn scooted closer, I turned my head and faced Shawn. Then kissed him on the cheek. I layed my head on his chest, exhausted. I could smell his cologne. Shawn wrapped his arms around me. "Your lucky I'm too tired to push your arms away." I said looking up at him. He laughed, then kissed me on the forehead. A headache came over me, but I didn't care. This was so comforting, I didn't know why but it feels like its my safe place now. I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come. Then I felt Shawn lift one of his hands and stroked my hair. Then I fell asleep feeling happy for the first time scince Andrew had gone missing. 

I woke up I looked around and saw Shawn  on his phone. "Hey" I said tired. "Hey." Shawn said happy. He was still laying down, I was still on his chest. "What time is it?" I asked. "Its one a.m. so go back to sleep." Shawn replied. I could tell he was tired from his voice. " what are you doing?"I asked curiously. I looked at the corner of his screen and I knew what he was doing. He was playing candy crush. I laughed, and picked up my head. "Shhhhh," Shawn said while he gently pushed my head back down to his chest. "Goodnight, " I said tired again. Then I closed my eyes and smelt his cologne before I fell asleep. Then I fell asleep again.

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