When you think you can sing

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I woke up to Shawn with his shirt off by the entrance of the fort. He was quietly singing he didn't notice me. I kept my eyes closed. Then I heard him get closer. And he was right next to me. He started playing with my hair. I opened my eyes, he jumped a little. He scrambled looking for his shirt. "Good morning," I said tired but amused. He stopped looking for his shirt. He smiled awkwardly,  "Good morning Amber." he said embarrassed. It was hard not to look at his abs, I quickly glanced at them. "I heard you singing or at least a little bit," I informed him. "Oh," he said really embarrassed. His cheeks turned dark red. "Sing for me please!" I begged him. This time my curiosity got the best of me. The lights turned on. "Oh hey the power is back on!" Shawn changed the subject. I frowned, I climbed over Shawn out of the fort. I walked to the kitchen and searched through the pantry. Then I found some hot coco. "Shawn do you want some hot coco?" I asked annoyed. "Um, sure."he said crawling out of the fort. He had his shirt back on. I grabbed two mugs from the dishwasher and emptied the hot coco packets into the cups. I added some water and put them in the microwave.  "How are your cuts?" Shawn asked concerned. I peeked from under the bandages and saw dried blood from the cuts. "They're not really healing," I said unwrapping the bandages. "Okay," Shawn said bored. The microwave beeped loudly. I opened it up and grabbed the hot mugs by the handles and quickly put them down. "Be careful they're hot," I said. "Okay, " Shawn said. Me and Shawn got our mugs and sat on the couch that wasn't covered by the fort. I realized how I haven't really met Shawn that much. "Shawn?" I asked blankly. "Yes," he said while yawning. "I wanna get to know you more." I admitted. He laughed and said "what do you wanna know?". "Haha I don't know." I laughed.  "Shawn can you please sing for me?" I asked. He groaned with annoyance. "Okay, but you have to sing with me." Shawn said. "Omg, Shawn no im a horrible singer you would NOT want to hear me sing." I said blushing. "Then no." Shawn said stubbornly. "Fine jeez." I said nervous. "What song?" Shawn asked. "You choose." I told Shawn shaking. "Ummm chasing stars?" Shawn suggested.  "Sure," I whispered. "One, two, three." Shawn started. "He started off, it was like heaven. Then  I joined in and ruined it. Im having a good time though.  Then my phone rang and Shawn and i stopped.  "Hello?" I asked annoyed.  "Yes, I have some devastating news." the voice said behind the phone.

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