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It was 12:00 a.m., Shawn and i were packing. I didn't know for what but we packed most of my clothes and some other things. Shawn was mad I could tell. I packed everything I needed. I didn't know where we were going. Shawn looked out the window. "Get your jacket on we are leaving and not coming back." Shawn said. I did what I was told and got my jacket on. "Shawn, what's going on?" I asked, I was on the verge of tears. "Its okay Amber everything will be okay." he said pulling me closer. I backed away a little. "What about the house?" I asked worried. "Calm down I have a plan."Shawn said holding my hands. "O-o-okay." I stuttered. "Get a bag and go to the car." Shawn instructed me. "Okay," I said. I walked outside, the cold air stung my lungs I quickly hopped into his car. It smelt like it was new. Shawn threw a bag right next to me then walked up to the drivers seat and put on his seatbelt. I buckled my seatbelt too. "Okay the ride will at least be twenty to thirty minuets. "Okay, Shawn I'm going to sleep for a little," I said tired. "Okay ill wake you up when we get there." Shawn informed me. I had no idea where we were going but I knew I could trust him. I then remembered my mom, now in heaven,  I missed her and my brother extremely. My life is literally falling apart....and I think I am too. But Shawn is kind of like the glue to my crumbling life. I looked out the window blankly then my eyes couldn't resist I had closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Amber wake up we are here." Shawn whispered. "Okay," I yawned. I stretched and crawled out of shawns car, he had helped me down and got my two huge bags. There was a big house in front of me it was white and elegant. Shawn unlocked the door and let us in. I couldnt see anything it was pitch black. Shawn grabbed my hand and led me. He had told me not to trip that there was stairs. We climbed up the stairs he led me right. Then the light flickered on. " this is your room," he whispered. He dropped the two bags at the edge of the bed. The room was plain, only a dresser with a mirror and a night stand was there other than the enormous bed, there was also a window next to the bed with white lacey trim. The bedspread was all white with lace at the very bottom. "Now go to sleep Im right across the hall, and don't make a lot of noise. " Shawn whispered. I nodded my head. I turned out the light and unmade the covers to the bed and jumped on the bed and cried. I didn't want Shawn to see me cry so much. I cried myself to sleep.

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