The News

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My stomach dropped. "Who is this? What's going on?" I asked frantically. "This is officer stone, and unfortunately your mother got in a car accident." he said. I broke out in tears. "Is she okay?" I cried. It was silent, "im sorry but she, has passed do to head injuries and loss of blood. "Oh thank you officer." I said through the tears. "Im sorry for your loss." the officer spoke. "Have you found my brother yet?" I asked with a little bit of hope. "No, im sorry we are doing everything we can." the officer said. I hung up, Shawn asked what happened. I hugged Shawn and started crying. "She wrecked, Shawn,  she died. I don't have anyone, Shawn." I cried loudly, I ran out of breath. I looked up at Shawn. "No, you have me we will get through this together okay, you could stay with my family, everything will get better soon I promise." Shawn said. I wiped my eyes. "No, it won't Shawn, everything keeps getting worse I just can't deal with this." I cried. I lost all my hope now. "Shawn I want to leave, everything is horrible, I want to leave." I yelled. I kept saying it wishing everything would be okay. Shawn hugged me tighter, " I won't let you, we will get through this okay trust me." Shawn assured me. I looked up from Shawn shoulder, I ran to my room and locked my room door. Shawn banged on the door. "Open the door!" Shawn yelled. I ran to my restroom, searched through the cabinet and found my mirror. I punched it and broke the glass. It shattered all over the floor. I picked up a piece and cut, it helped me it made me feel better. Then the door swung open. Shawn ran in and slung me over his shoulder. "Let go of me!" I yelled and screamed and kicked. "Im not letting you out of my site from now on." Shawn made it clear, he was mad and serious. He set me down on the floor and held my hands. I cried and cried, my head was pounding and I had at least ten new cuts oozing blood. He looked frantic. I kept wiping tears out of my face so I could see. Then he picked me up again and ran to the restroom. He found more bandages and some alcohol that burns. I wept quietly he held my hands in one of his hands. He had known that i would run away. I let him do his thing he was too strong for me to try and escape his hold. He poured the alcahol on my fresh cuts. It stung and burnt, I wept even more. He wrapped the new bandages on me. He carried me to my room and layed me on my bed. "Stay, here OR ELSE!" Shawn yelled. He scared me so I stayed on my bed crying into my pillow. He came back with his hands wet. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. I was getting up, then he ran to me and put his hand in my stomach and held me down. I kept crying, my head was pounding,  everything was just horrible and messed up. "Okay the snow plows should come tonight we will leave then. Thanks bye."Shawn hung up.

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