don't go outside

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It was a day since I met Shawns friends. I got up and took a shower. I wore some black jeans, a pink shirt, and my regular makeup. I dried my hair and put it in a high pony tail. Once I finished and walked out the restroom and put up my stuff in my room. I walked down the stairs with my phone. I turned the corner and saw Shawn hanging curtains up on the front door. "What are you doing Shawn?" I laughed. "Nothing,"he said suspiciously. I ran passed Shawn and shoved him. I opened the door, and news cameras and cameras flashed in a big crowd came, it was chaos until someone pulled me back inside, and shut the door. "Thanks," I sighed. He laughed, "Ha, your welcome," Shawn laughed. "How are we gonna get out and go to Aaron's house?" I asked. "We will sneak out." He exclaimed. "Ooo, I like the sound of that!" I squealed. I felt like today was gonna be a great day, even though the cameras and junk. I haven't felt so happy in a long time. "Should we go now?" I asked. "Ya" Shawn replied. I got my coat on and boots. Shawn led the way, we reached his car, then we jumped in and drove off, they noticed us when we were barley leaving. I laughed and Shawn laughed too. "That was fun!" I exclaimed. Shawn laughed and leaned in and kissed me. But stopped and kept his eyes on the road. I sighed and looked out the window. "Shawn, thank you," I said still staring out the window, trying not to look at him. "For what?" He laughed. "For putting up with me, for being there for me for doing all this, for saving me even when I don't want you to, for letting my life get better, by being in it and going through all this with me." I cried. Shawn pulled over. "Why did you.." I started, but then Shawn kissed me. It was heaven, I didn't want it to stop. Shawn backed away, and started driving again. "I love you Amber," he said in his cute voice. "I love you too," I replied. Then I noticed the news cars were following us. "Shawn they are following us," I whispered. Shawn cursed under his breath. "Its okay, but when we get off, we run." Shawn said, driving faster. "Okay," I said as we pulled up across the street from Aaron's house. "Ready?" Shawn asked. "Ready!" I yelled as the news cars pulled up.

Sorry it's kind of short.

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