Feelings change.

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He smiled at me, I panicked I looked down real quick. "I don't know why I did that Im so dumb." I said to Shawn.  He laughed, then I laughed too. Oh man Im in trouble, I despise him,  yet like him,  I knew I was in trouble. I was so mad at myself I didn't know if I liked him or not it was both. But today I gave him my trust and that's what I'm afraid of. I am afraid of a lot of things now, if those things happen I will crack again. 

I backed away from Shawn. But he pulled me closer. "Can I have another kiss without getting slapped?" he asked. His eyes were shimmering and enchanting. I looked up at the roof then looked back at Shawn. "You, already got your kiss without  a slap, but if you want another slap, then totally. "I said. "Okay! I get it,its a no." Shawn said laughing. I smiled and he smiled too. Then Shawn scooted closer to me then put a loose hair behind my ears. Everything felt out of place and definitely too odd, and awkward. "Im hungry." I announced. "Lets go get something to eat," he suggested. I gave him a "duh" face. I ran in front of Shawn but every time I moved my legs it hurt. I winced in pain, and Shawn could tell I was hurting. He stood behind me then out of nowhere I was slung over Shawns shoulder. I didn't try to fight it I was starving. Then I busted out laughing. Shawn looked at me, and smiled, I just kept laughing, I ran out of breath and gasped for air. My stomach ached from me laughing so hard. Shawn let me down and we were next to the pantry. "You were like going into hysterics back there."Shawn laughed. I blushed and opened the cabinet. I scanned and searched the pantry. I got some tortilla chips and put them on the counter. "Do you know how to make guacamole?" I asked Shawn. Shawn nodded his head. "Yay! Okay so all the spices are in that cabinet. The avocados are in the fridge." I told Shawn. Shawn scrambled around the room getting everything he needed. "Lets make some muffins!" Shawn exclaimed. "We don't have any flour," I said. I heard Shawn curse under his breath. I giggled, amused while he was making the guacamole. Once he was done I dipped my finger in the guacamole and tasted it. "Omg, Shawn your guacamole is amazing!" I exclaimed.  He laughed and looked down at the ground and stared at me and smiled. I smiled back.

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