Cams house

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I pressed my contacts and called him. "Hey, babe what's up?" Cam asked me. I started crying, "Can you come pick me up please, im on the corner of shawns street." I cried. "O-okay, well talk later." Cam stuttered. I fell on the grass, I sat up and cried. Then, I heard a voice. "Need a ride?" Someone asked. I wiped my eyes, he was blond with blue eyes. I shook my head. "Oh come on, we could go out." Another Voice came from the car. "No!" I yelled. They stayed there, I ran and they followed me. Then Cam, came, thank goodness. He cursed and told them to go away. I hopped into his red shiny car. He jumped into the car and drove. "What happened babe why are you crying?" Cam asked worried. "Shawn, I-i got into an argument." I cried. "What about?"Cam asked. "You, me, him." I cried. "Oh." He said. "Can I stay at your house for a while please?" I asked. "Of course, anything for you." He whispered. "Thanks." I whispered back. We sat in silence for a while, you could hear me crying though. We stopped at his house. "Nash and Heyes are here though." Cameron informed me. I nodded my head, and wiped my eyes. I knew that they would ask what's wrong. We got off the car, and Cameron opened the door. I walked in to see heyes and Nash wrestling. "Oh hey, Amber." Nash said, he froze and Heyes stopped too and sat on the couch. I walked and sat down on the couch. Cam shut and locked the door and sat next to me and held my hand. "I'm so tired." I say yawning. "You can go to my room and lay down on the bed." Cam suggested. "Nah, I think I'm gonna stay here, is  it okay if I sleep here?" I asked. He nodded his head, I layed my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes, ready to go to sleep.
Cams POV:
She was asleep on my shoulder, and looked gorgeous. "So you asked her what was wrong and she said you, her, and Shawn?" Heyes asked. I nodded my head.
"Wow!" Nash said. Then, Amber lifted her head and woke up. I hugged her, "good morning gorgeous." I whispered in her ear. "Morning." She mumbled. I laughed and let go of her. "Aww." Heyes said. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I looked over at Amber and she was back asleep again. "Guys, I'm so tired."I said trying to stretch without waking Amber. I leaned my head against here and closed my eyes, hoping she was okay. Then her phone buzzed, I picked it up and it was Shawn, he texted
I'm so sorry please forgive me and answer.
I put it back down and wondered what happened. Why was he apologizing? I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Ambers POV: I opened my eyes and the boys were on the floor playing on Cams X-box. Cam looked back at me and got up. He sat next to me and kissed my cheek, "hi babe. Ready to get up?" He asked. I nodded my head and stretched. "I'm hungry." I announced. "Do you want cereal, muffins of waffles?" Cam asked. "Muffins duh." I laughed. The boys laughed, and I laughed too. He walked  to the kitchen and cane back with a chocolate chip muffin the size of my palm. I devoured it within a couple of minutes. The boys kept playing the x-box. I just watched, they played Hall. I would play Halo with Andrew, ugh I miss him. I asked if I could play. Cam handed me a controller, and I started playing.

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