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The sun had woke me up. I was still tired, I heard my brother leave this morning and my dad and all the arguing. I was glad it was pretty much just me. My mom would probably leave and go shopping or something to keep her busy. I had gotten my phone from my dresser and texted Lilly. She had canceled, that her mom asked her to babysit her baby brother. I just picked out a blue longsleeve shirt and some skinny jeans. I had gotten everything I needed. I took off my pajamas, and hopped into the shower. I was so sleepy like I could just fall asleep in there, it was a safe relaxing place without the yelling and drama. I had hurried out and turned off the water and stepped on the freezing cold tile floor of my restroom. I had put on my clothes, and dried my hair. It was dark and curly and lighter than usual. I didn't bother to put on my make up it wasn't like anyone would come over. I jumped on my bed with My phone. 

It was time I had decided to tell her today. I had gone to my contacts and clicked on Lilly. The phone rang for a while. Then, she answered "hello?" she sounded irritated, but I didn't care she deserves the truth. "Hey, Lilly its amber, I need to tell you something, " I say worried "what's up amber?" Lilly said relaxed.  "So, this is so hard to say and i know your gonna be heartbroken," I say warning her there was a long silence then I heard a laugh.  "Ha, okay sure go ahead and tell me so I can be heartbroken. " she said sarcastically. "Im serious,  Lilly, Shawn is cheating on you". I said quickly. Like ripping of a Band-Aid real quick. "Omg, okay Amber this joke has gone too far. " Lilly says worried. "This isn't a joke" I say. "Omg, no he isn't like that i know but you know what? I see you staring at him, I see you and him staring at each other in the parking lott. Its you, your just jealous that I'm with Shawn and not you. She's talking so fast I could barely understand her. "You, Amber are a horrible friend I can't be friends with someone who wants to steal my boyfriend. She said fiercely, then hung up.

Dad had gotten home, it has been an hour scince I lost my best friend. It was eleven, I missed being alone, quiet, and calm, now once my dad got hone I heard them arguing. I just layed in bed and stared at the wall until everything went dark.

It was six and no sign of Andrew my mom was pacing back and forth while dad was calling the police. I sat there with a major headache, I was crying super hard for a while in my room all alone. Now it was dead silent but not the relaxing silence, that helps you relax and fall asleep. It was the heavy, uneasy, scary, and dead silence. I bit my nails in worry and fear. I called all of his friends each one of them had no clue where Andrew was. I was so desperate, he was the best brother ever, now he would be my best friend. I cried and fell on my bed and hoped he would be back soon. I wished everything would be okay that i could still have my best friend,  that I could have my brother home and safe, that my parents would stop arguing twenty four seven. I cried and cried until I had fallen asleep.

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