they know.

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I ran to the door yelling muffins while the boys laughed and walked behind me. I swung open the door and it was Shawn. I took the bag from his hands and there was only one muffin. "Why?" I asked Shawn Ponting to the bag. He laughed, and held up two
other bags in his hands. I laughed until my stomach hurt. The guys laughed too. Shawn shut the door and walked to the kitchen. We all sat down and ate I ate my muffin and a eggs and bacon burrito. The boys ate like pigs, I laughed at how crazy they were. Once I was done I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. I texted my brother
Hey I miss you please come back. Mom passed yesterday, I miss you so much just come home please.

I was about to cry when Nash came in. "Hey," Nash said. "Hi," I whispered. I pulled back a piece of my hair that was in my face, and I heard a gasp. "What?" I asked looking at Nash. "Why did you do this?" Nash asked rolling back my sleeve. I broke out in tears and I heard everyone coming. I wiped my eyes, "stuff," I cried. "Nash, can I talk to you or all of you, except Amber. "Shawn said. They left up stairs, and I just sat there with my head in my knees. They all came back quiet. I picked up my head and the boys were all around me. I got up from the couch, and all of them hugged me at once. I was so sad and mad that they know. The hug helped me feel better like my family was still here. My dad is alive but he left he doesn't care. And my brother is who knows where or even if he is alive. My mom is gone. The boys backed away and my phone rang.

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