the argument

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We both checked ,There was some comments saying things that they ship us. Some were mean comments but that didn't bother me. 9,000 likes, it was way more than usual. I looked up at my phone and smiled at cam, and he smiled back. "So why are you and the boys leaving me?" I asked. "Theres this thing called magcon. You are coming with us." He explained. I giggled, "oh," I said relieved. He laughed. "Are we still going to that party tomorrow?" I asked. "Yeah, it's supposed to be fun. Just you and me the boys had plans for tomorrow." He said. We walked until we found a field with a bench in the middle. We held hands and walked down the feild to the bench. We sat down and looked up at the stars. It started getting cold. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded my head and we walked back to the car.
Cameron's POV:
I had a great time and so did she. On Insta she saw the comments of people shipping us. I don't know when we are telling our fans. She looked down at her phone, she was texting someone. I didn't mind, I kept driving until we pulled up to shawns house. She got out of the car and so did I. We hugged, and she thanked me. "I had a great time cam." She declared. "Awe, I did too babe." I said putting a hair up out of her face. She blushed. "I guess I will see you tomorrow." She whispered. Then she left inside after she hugged me.
Ambers POV:
I walked in and a warm wave of air hit me. It smelt good, someone was cooking. "Shawn I'm home!" I yelled loudly. He came and ran to me, and hugged me. I giggled, "Shawn I have to tell you something." I whispered. "What is it?" He asked laughing. "Cam is my boyfriend now!" I whispered excitedly. He turned pale but, smiled and hugged me tighter. "Thats great, congrats." He said flatly.  "Are you okay Shawn?" I asked worried. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said walking off. I grabbed his shoulder and made him face me. "Shawn your not okay I know it." I said mad that he wouldn't tell me. "Nothing's wrong!" He yelled. "Yes, there is I know there is Shawn!" I yelled on the verge of tears. "Ok, fine your right. I'm done playing this game of yours. You never thought, oh what does Shawn think! Well I saved your life, I was the one who helped you last month, not Cameron! I loved you before he loved you! You are killing me! was going to ask you out but he did before me! There now you know!" He screamed with his eyes puffy. I was shocked, I ran past him up the stairs into my room. I got a bag and stuffed it with my clothes. I changed really quick and put on some tennis shoes.  I started crying, I also brought my make up and ran down the stairs. Shawn was no where to be seen. I got on my coat and left. I slammed the door and turned on my phone.

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