his Friends

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"Nothing, Shawn can I talk to you....alone?" I asked. "Yeah, sure,"Shawn said. I walked up the stairs and Shawn followed close behind. We both stopped in the hall. "Shawn Aaliyah just said she had a friend who you know and then..." I started crying. "Its okay, I know." Shawn said hugging me. "She actually left Shawn and Aaliyah doesn't.." Shawn kissed me. I stayed for about a second then backed away. "I feel better now," I said looking down at the floor. Shawn laughed, "So hey I'm gonna go to a party and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me, not like a date or anything like that, it's a friends party." He said awkwardly. "Sure, why not." I replied excitedly. "Yay!" Shawn yelled, I laughed hard. "When is it?" I asked. "At nine," Shawn replied."Okay, what time is it right now?" I asked. "Its two," Shawn informed me. "Okay thanks," I said and walked into my room.

It was eight and I hopped into the shower, and quickly finished. I dried off and quickly threw on my clothes. I wore dark blue ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pink scarf. I put in my mousse and dried my hair. I put my makeup on , some pink eye shadow, bright pink lip stick, blush and mascara. I checked my phone on the counter and it was 8:45 I put my phone in the back pocket of my Jeans. I opened the door and grabbed my stuff and put it on my dresser. I went through the drawers and found my socks, I picked out a random pair and walked to my closet and opened it and grabbed some brown boots, and slid them on. I turned off my room light, and walked out. I ran into Shawn, my head pounded. "Oww, hey Shawn are you ready to go?" I asked looking up at him. He was wearing a cute gray shirt with some black jeans and a black leather jacket. Ugh he looked so cute. "Yeah, let's go before everyone gets there so you can meet my friends." Shawn said, grabbing his keys. I grabbed my black coat and put it on. Me and Shawn ran outside and jumped in his car. Once we were in, Shawn turned on the car and blasted the heater. We both put on our seat belts and we took off. It took about fifteen minutes to get there. The house was huge, it was more like a mansion. Shawn parked his car across the street. We sat there for a while. Shawn took out the keys. "Are you ready?" Shawn asked excitedly. "I'm nervous but excited," I said with my stomach churning. "Its okay you will like them they are really chill." Shawn convinced. "Okay," I said taking off my seatbelt. We both got off, we crossed the streets holding hands. "Hey, Shawn nice girlfriend!" Some boy yelled ahead. His hair was wavy, he had Brown eyes, and was really tall compared to me. We ran up to him. Shawn looked at me."no she's a friend." Shawn said. "Sure." He said sarcastically. I didn't mind, we are just friends, right? "Hi, I'm Amber." I said holding out my hand. "Hey, I'm Cameron, but call me cam." He said shaking my hand. "The rest of the boys are inside." Cam said.

I laughed hard, the boys were funny, there was nine of them other than Shawn, there was Matthew or matt, Cam, two Jacks, Taylor, Nash, Carter, Hayes, and Aaron. "Where's mahogany?" Asked Shawn. "She couldn't come she said she had to do some stuff." Nash replied. So far all we have talked about was this and out names. Cam called everyone he invited and cancelled the party. So it was just us. The boys kept smothering me and asking questions. I layed down on the wooden floor next to Nash. "Lets play truth or dare." Jackj suggested. "Yeah,"the boys said all in sync. "What about you Amber?" Shawn asked. "Sure why not?"I said excited. "Yay okay I'll go first." Carter said. "Truth or dare Shawn?" Carter asked. "Eh, truth," Shawn said shaky. The rest of the boys booed. I giggled, then I noticed, that Cam was staring at me, I smiled and he smiled back. "Do you have a crush on someone?" Carter asked. "Amber," Matt coughed. I blushed hard and looked at the ground. "Look Matt you embarrassed her," Nash said I laughed. "Yeah, I do," shawn said. "Ooo!" The boys yelled. And I also heard someone whistle. "My turn," Aaron said. "Truth or dare Cam?" Aaron asked "Dare!" Cam yelled and rose his eyebrows. "I dare you to kiss Amber for a whole minute. I jumped when I heard my name. I looked at Shawn frantically, he just smiled. I sat up, and Cam was in front of me. Before I knew it we kissed, and it felt good like my troubles were just nothing. Then we backed away, the rest of the boys where silent. "Okay truth or dare Amber?" Cam asked. "Dare." I said. "I dare you to go outside for five minutes." Cam said. "Omg, what the.. it's freezing outside." I complained. "You have to."Cam said. I got my jacket on and went outside. I could hear the boys yelling and laughing. Then the door opened, I came in to all the boys silent now. I took off my jacket and layed down, I placed my head on Nashes lap, and closed my eyes. I was tired, I heard many different voices. "Lucky," someone said, it sounded like Matt. "Aww that's so cute," someone else said, it sounded like Jackg. I just fell asleep.

I woke up with a headache. I picked up my head and all the boys were in the kitchen, I could see them from here, Nash was still next to me. "Good morning cutie,"Nash said. I blushed, "be, quiet." I said tired. I got up and walked to the kitchen. "Hey guys." I yawned. I looked around and didn't see Shawn. "Omg, where's Shawn?" I asked frantically. "Its, okay he went to buy burritos and some muffins." Cam laughed. "Oh, okay." I said relieved. There was three chairs left, I sat next to Cam, and Nash came in and sat next to me. Then there was a knock on the door.

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