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We sat in silence for a while. But then out of nowhere the lights went off. I screamed and almost jumped. "Calm down!" Shawn yelled over me. "What was that?" I asked shakey. "Wow I don't know maybe Andrew turned off the lights!" Shawn yelled annoyed. That stung, it was like a punch to my stomach.  I got off my bed and got right up to his face, I broke out in tears, I was so angry. Then I slapped him, it stung my hand but I didn't care, I was too mad to feel the pain. I stormed out of the room, but I felt something grab my hand. I turned around and Shawn was holding me back. I tried to pull away but Shawns grip was too tight. I tried again but he wouldn't let go! "Shawn, let go of me!" I yelled. Shawn shook his head. "I never liked you, I wish you never saved me!" I shouted furious. Then he grabbed my other hand, he yanked me closer and kissed me! I kicked his left leg. He let go of my arms shocked. I ran out the door and ran into Andrews room. He ran after me, but I shut the door before he could get in, and locked the door just in time. "Let me in, Amber, please Amber!" Shawn whispered. "No just go away," I said. I was mad but at the same time worried and sad. "What did I do for you to be mad at me?" he asked. "Everything, especially saving me," I said sourly. He went quiet, then I heard a bang on the wall. I opened the door real quick then saw through the dim light of my window a hole in the wall. Next to it was Shawn with his fist red. I stepped back slowly scared and worried. "Shawn what did you do?" I barely managed to say. I could tell that he knew I was frightened.  He layed his head on the wall. "I tried," he said. I looked at him confused. "I give up, okay I give up on trying to make you feel better, I give up on you. I give up on lov..." he said angrily then he had stopped. "Im" I started. "Im just sorry " I said shocked. I walked up to him and banged my head against the wall. It didn't hurt, I sat on the floor next to Shawn. He looked down at me and sat down too. "I do want to leave though." I said the truth. He looked at me then stared at the wall. "I don't want you to say that or to want to." he admitted. I looked at him and he looked at me. "I still don't like you at all" I said awkwardly.  "Well I hope one day you do," he said looking at the ground. I blushed and looked away. I knew he was staring at me. I got up and layed down on my bed. Thoughts filled my head. Shawn walked over and layed down next to me with his face blank. I got up and walked down the hall and opened my moms door and she wasn't there.  I ran to Shawn he was still laying on my bed. "Shawn, where is my mom!" I asked scared out of my mind. "She left while you were asleep, and told me that she was leaving to a friends house." he awnsered.  "Great, now she's snowed in and has to wait a week! Now were stuck alone for a week! And you said that she was asleep!" I screamed worried out of my mind. " I know I just didn't want you to freak okay!"he  yelled. I walked up to shawn, made him sit up and kissed him.

It felt like heaven.  He was surprised, and honesty so was I. I pulled back when I ran out of air. "I thought that you never liked me." he said satisfied. "So did I." I said 

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