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My alarm, blared loudly. I was still tired, from yesterday. I woke up Sweaty, but the covers were on the floor. I got up from my bed and stretched, I heard my back pop, but it felt good. I walked to my closet and opened it. I didn't know what to choose, there was too many choices and colors, so I chose some ripped jeans with a red and black plaid shirt. I walked to the restroom and started the shower, and took of all of my clothes and once I stepped in the hot water burnt my skin. So I hurried and did everything I needed to do. I turned off the water, and got dressed. Then I put curling gel in my dried  brownish blackish hair. I opened the door and walked to my room and grabbed my boots and backpack. I first put on my boots then, I swung my backpack around my shoulder. I walked to the bathroom again and put on my makeup, and earings. I walked to my brothers room and knocked on his door. "Hey, are you ready?" I asked. Then suddenly my stomach started churning, then I remembered, I had to tell Lilly, but I still wasn't sure how or if I still was going to tell her. "Ya, I'm ready." Andrew replied interrupting my thoughts. He opened his door, wearing black jeans and a leather jacket, and as usual wearing his Jordan's, and his hair was all wavy. We both walked down the stairs, but when we were getting our sweaters we heard a bang in the back of the house. Andrew ran up the stairs and I followed behind him. He opened all the doors to the rooms until we got to our parents room. Mom was on the bed crying and we didn't see dad.Drawers, and clothes were everywhere. "You guys are going to be late now go to school now." Mom said sounding mad but she was still red and tears falling down her cheeks. Andrew and I looked at each other than walked down the stairs and opened the door. 

We ran to Andrews car, once we got in we stared at each other for a second, then we drove. The traffic wasn't as bad as usual. Then we pulled up to school. Andrew parked the car and unlocked the doors. I got out of the car and it wasn't as windy as yesterday. Across the parking lot I saw Shawn with Lilly I had felt everything get hot. I despise him I don't know how he lives with himself. I walked passed them, trying to avoid Shawn and Lilly. "Hey Amber" Shawn called after me. I just kept walking.  I felt them starting at me. I then knew what I was gonna do.

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