waking up

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I woke up on the couch, the boys were all watching tv. "Hi, guys,"I said tired. "She's up,"Cam told the boys. "We want you here no matter what, we WILL stop you from doing that again," Nash assured me. I nodded my head, the boys changed the channel to the news it was about my family. "Turn it off!"I yelled, the TV went black. "Shawn I'm ready to go," I announced. "Okay, bye guys,"Shawn said. Cam grabbed my hand before I walked out the door, and we kissed. I backed away. "Stay safe and feel better,"Nash said running up to me and giving me a hug."I'll try." I sighed. "Bye," the boys yelled and waved. Wow I finally have some good friends, I thought.

Sorry got the short chapter lol

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