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"Yoncé!" My best friend, Kelly, screams. I'm guessing she used her spare key.

"Kels!" I scream, running to her.

"Hey best frieeeeend." Kelly says, hugging me.

"I missed you." I pout.

"You saw me yesterday." She bops my nose.

"That was 20 hours ago." I laugh and grab her hand.

"How are Tim and Titan?" I smirk. We sit on my couch as she sighs.

"Tim is good. Titan is good."

"How's Tim?" I add emphasis.

"Oh...he's good still. Lord...why did you ask me that." Kelly sighs.

"Uh oh." I laugh and smirk.

"What brought you over?"

"A car." No shit.

"Kelly." I give her a 'really nigga' face.

"Nothing...I just wanted to see you." Kel grins.

"Something happen? Do I have to kill Tim? What'd he do? What happened?"

"He's just being a little distant...that's all." Kel shrugs.

"Do you want some wine?"

"Yes." I grab a bottle of wine out of the kitchen and two glasses.

"Here you go." I pour our glasses and hand her one.


"Welcome." Kelly downs that glass and I press my lips together.

"Has he been home?"

"Yea. That hasn't changed. He's just been distant."

"You check his phone?"

"No." She pours herself another glass.

"What have you done?"

"I asked him why he's been so distant and he said it was work related. You know that girl...um...India?"


"Yea." She rolls her eyes.

"Oh." She pours another.

"I think we should take a-." I reach for the bottle and she pulls from me.

"No! I want it."

"Kelly I don't need you getting drunk. You're a big ass flirt and tease and I don't need that because you're married." I try to get the bottle and she yanks from me.

"No! I don't care!" Kelly yells, grabbing the bottle. Before I can grab the bottle, she runs into the bathroom.

"Kelly, come out." I bang on the door.

"No!" I sigh, putting my head against the door.

"Here." She says, coming out of the bathroom...35 minutes later. I grab the bottle and put it on the table.

"You drunk as fuck." I push her.

"N-no I'm not." She shakes her head. Kelly pokes my boob and I sigh. Here we go.

"You have watermelons on your chest Bey." I laugh and try to stop.

"They're my boobs. Stop touching them."

"They're so fluffy." She says, poking them some more. She grabs one and I move her hand.

"Lets watch tv." I say, turning the tv on. I push her hands from me as she feels on my thighs.

Beyoncé and Kelly One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now