Roan Black - Seven

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Chapter Seven

Aubrey wanted nothing more then for a black hole to form and to swallow her up. She couldn't believe that she would use that joke and she blamed her mother for it. The woman had insisted that real men could do it. She had somehow made it through the rest of breakfast acting as if she hadn't said something incredibly stupid and was now getting her house hold essentials. Taking a quick glance over her shoulder, she spotted Roan not standing far from the check out counter. She didn't know why he insisted on following her here, it was most likely boring and even though she didn't ask him she felt slightly guilty that he was simply standing there while she was shopping. Deciding to make quick work of her shopping she grabbed toilet paper, dish soap, and everything else in her mental list hoping that she didn't forget something even though that was inevitable. She would return home only to figure out she'd forgotten something. Looking in her cart, she nodded, not able to think at the moment of anything else and moved towards the counter. Silently she began putting things on the counter and took a quick peak at Roan. Her eyes widened when his striking blue eyes were staring straight into hers.

Roan couldn't seem to stop watching her. Every movement she made was mesmerizing. He knew from hearing from other's it was most likely caused by the fact that she was his life mate, but it didn't make the process any easier to bare. He told himself that he would control himself, that he had five-hundred years of perfecting his control, but the moment he looked into her green eyes he knew that all those years of control were going to be put to the test. "Did you find everything that you needed?" He found himself asking.

Audrey's body reacted to the huskiness of Roan's voice and felt the heat rising to her face. She quickly looked away when she was able and finished putting her stuff onto the counter. "I believe so, but I'm sure I've forgotten something. I usually do." Aubrey smiled and waited while her stuff was rung up then paid the cashier.

Roan helped Audrey pack the stuff back into the cart before grabbing it from her and rolling it out the door and to his waiting truck. After he'd loaded all the bags, ignoring the protests from Audrey, he then walked the cart back and returned to his truck. "Is this the only place you needed to go?"

Audrey nodded, "yeah. I picked up food so I should be fine for a while." The ride back was nearly as silent as the ride up there and Audrey found herself searching her brain for something to talk about. She didn't know much about Roan or his brother, other then the fact that they'd bought the cabin last year. "What do you do for a living Mr. Black?"

Roan looked at Audrey sideways for a moment before his eyes returned to the road. He obviously couldn't tell her that he was a rogue hunter. That wouldn't go over very well in their early stages. He had to wait until the pull had her tightly in its clutches before he began any sort of explanations. He just prayed it wasn't much longer. "First, call me Roan and I do construction."

Audrey's eyes widened, not expecting that in the least. It brought her back to her earlier comment and she found herself wanting to ask again, but this time in a more serious matter. "So, about the toothpick and a knife...?"

Roan found himself grinning. "Not really possible, but then I've never tried with just those items."

Audrey found herself laughing, she didn't know why, but the curious way he'd stated that made her believe that he may actually try to build a mall with just those two things. "It was a sorry joke really. My mother told me real men could do it and I imagine that you could do practically anything so- it slipped out."

Roan's eye brow arched, "you think I could do anything?"

"Well, I don't know how to explain it. While you look no more than in your late twenties. Your aura and personality seem to be much older. It's hard to explain, but I got that feeling." Audrey shook her head, sure that she was making a fool of herself.

"I do feel a lot older then I look..." Roan allowed. He couldn't tell her that she was correct, it was a shock to him that she had said something so close to the mark. Roan pulled into the drive, stopping outside Audrey's cabin. "Here let me help." He said, sliding from his truck. "Just unlock your door and I will start bringing things in."

Audrey nodded, grabbing her keys from her pocket. When she reached her door she slid the key in only for her door to open. She frowned, sure she had locked the door. She turned to look back at Roan who was putting bag after bag on his arms and sighed. She had been flustered so perhaps she had just thought she'd locked it. Shaking the paranoid thoughts away she opened her door, leaving it open for Roan and went to her kitchen. When Roan walked in a second later she couldn't help, but appreciate the way he held himself. He wasn't overly built like the body builders she'd seen on the television, but he wasn't a slouch either. The sudden urge to run her fingers along his muscles had her fingers literally twitching. "Y-you can just set the bags down. I will put them away in a moment."

Roan did as asked and set the bags down slowly. When he straightened, his body tensed. A scent filled his nose that was all too familiar and it had him nearly forgetting that Audrey didn't know who he really was or what.

Audrey turned and froze. Roan looked like a statue, a look she couldn't figure out on his face. Quickly moving forward she hesitantly placed her hand on his arm. She could feel his muscles quiver beneath her fingers and was a bit more concerned. "Roan? Are you okay?"

Roan relaxed a moment later, the slight and timid touch from Audrey clearing his head for the moment. "Yes sorry. I just remembered something I had to do. If you have any problems. Any what so ever you come to me."

It wasn't so much the way he'd said it that had Audrey suddenly nervous, but the intense and heated look in his eyes. She swore his eyes were shining, but was sure that was the trick of the light.

"Promise me Audrey. You'll come to me if you need to." Roan felt relieved when he watched Audrey nod. He knew she dint understand, but in time she would. "I have to go, but remember what I said."

Audrey watched Roan leave, her cabin suddenly felt cold and empty with his absence and she shook her head at the ridiculous thoughts.


The story will start picking up soon. Hope you're enjoying it so far.

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