Roan Black - Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Audrey has tried her best for the past week to not think about the blood in the fridge. She'd been tempted the entire time to ask Tessa about it, but Roan had promised he would explain when he returned. She frowned thinking about Roan, he had called her once, but that was it. She wondered if everything was alright. Audrey moved to her kitchen, refilling her coffee cup and taking a sip. She moved to the window that had been fixed recently and smiled. Turning Audrey went to her couch and sat down, clicking the tv on. She'd gotten a new cellphone as well, and had called her friend Karla to let her know that everything was fine.

They'd stayed on the phone for hours talking about everything and anything. It was nice to hear from her and to hear her comforting voice. She'd been so stressed not hearing from Roan in nearly a week and still no sign of Drake. Tessa was a lovely woman, sweet to the bone, but Audrey had the oddest feeling that the woman didn't like her staying at her own place alone or so she said, but Audrey felt that there was something more that she wasn't being told. Sure she was imagining it, she pushed the thought aside. Tessa had tried several times to convince her to stay there, but Audrey had refused. She didn't want to over stay her welcome and she needed the time to think properly.

Audrey was brought out of her thoughts by a sudden howl that was way to close for comfort. Her gaze went wild, looking towards her doors and window's to make sure they were shut. Satisfied that they were she relaxed into her seat, only to scream as her brand new window shattered into pieces around her. Jumping from her spot on the couch she moved away from the shattered pieces and turned only to freeze. Her heart nearly stopped at the large wolf that stood in her living room, staring at her with his bright yellow eyes. A scream lodged itself in her throat and she nearly chocked on it.

"G-g-good doggy.." Audrey said lightly while backing away slowly. She hadn't a clue where she would run, but she wouldn't just stand there and let the over grown dog eat her. She froze again at the sound of the animals snarl. Audrey was just about to run again when her front door suddenly shattered, splinters from the wood flying. Her eyes widened when she saw Tessa standing there glaring and slightly growling at the wolf. "T-Tessa?" Audrey couldn't believe her eyes, she stood there like she didn't just kick down her heavy oak door. She wasn't even winded by what she'd done, it was impossible!

Tessa's eyes glowed brightly with disgust and hatred as she stared at the wolf. "Filthy mutt! Where is my brother?!" She screamed her question. Her eyes suddenly found Audrey's and Audrey swore Tessa looked regretful for a moment, "get out of here Audrey. Get in your truck and drive, don't stop."

"I- I can't leave you here!" Audrey exclaimed, her gaze returning to the wolf as it growled, it's attention now on Tessa.

"You will!" Tessa growled, flashing her fangs at Audrey. She hated it to come to this, but she knew Audrey wouldn't leave her in time.

Audrey's eyes widened and she took a step back. What? She shook her head, looking again, but the long teeth were still there. "You're.... No! No! I'm hallucinating."

"You aren't! Please Audrey, I wish this had been explained before, to give you time to accept what is real, but unfortunately we don't have time! You need to leave if you want to live." Tessa gasped as the wolf launched itself at her, barely managing to dodge. "LEAVE!!!" She screamed once more, satisfied that it seemed to get Audrey in gear.

Audrey grabbed her keys off the kitchen counter and ran. She hated to leave Tessa, a part of her rejecting what she'd just seen, but another part of her accepting it. She was confused, but one thing was for sure, she had to get out. She ran around the back of the cabin towards the front, pausing to look inside, just in time to see the wolf haul Tessa across the room. Audrey covered her mouth in horror, watching as Tessa laid motionless on the floor. Audrey watched the blood pool around and gasped, tears coming to her eyes. She shouldn't have left her alone! Her eyes widened when she heard a loud growl and the wolf appeared in the doorway, watching her. Her feet began to move and she ran to her truck, opening the door. She didn't get the chance to slide in before suddenly hands grabbed her, pulling her backwards. She screamed, but it was in vain. No one would hear her! The last thing she saw before darkness took her was her head flying towards the side of her truck.

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