Roan Black - Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Audrey could tell when she came down stairs and followed Roan back to his cabin that something was bothering him. She had asked, but Roan quickly assured her that everything was fine and that he was simply a bit tired. She looked around the cabin and noticed it was just as simple as Roan's room had been. "Would you like to watch tv?" Roan suddenly asked, nearly making her scream. She hadn't heard him walk up behind her and swore the man was like a panther stalking his prey.

Audrey turned, blushing lightly when she felt Roan's arms wrap around her, his fingers spreading wide to cover her hips. She looked up into his eyes and blinked when she noticed that his eyes seemed to shine in the barely lit room, but when she blinked a second time the shine was gone. She pushed the startling image from her mind, sure that it was a trick or the light or that of her imagination. "Tv sounds good."

Roan needed to control himself, the thought continued to replay in his mind over and over again until he was sure his body had cooled. He not only had the unbearable urge to take her again, but he hadn't fed yet and her scent whafed up his nose, tempting him like no other. He'd have to find a way to slip away. Roan grabbed Audrey's hand and led her to the couch where he gently urged her to sit while he walked over to the flat screen tv and turned it on. "Hopefully we'll find something good." Returning to the couch he sat as close as he could to Audrey without actually sitting on her, pleased that as soon as he was comfortable she snuggled deeper into his side. Though he was sure he could control himself for a while, he knew there was only so much he could take. She was so close, so warm and he knew if he touched her she would be welcoming, but he would take more than just her body and he couldn't allow that... not yet. Roan flipped through the channels until they both found something worth watching and watched contently as the show played on.

Audrey with her head rested against Roan's chest could hear how his heart beat. At time's when she moved it turned rapid and it seemed when she settled herself into whatever position she felt comfortable in it would then steady out. She smiled to herself, liking the fact that she seemed to have just as much effect on him that he did her. Looking to the clock she'd spotted early on the wall, her eyes widened when she saw that it was well past midnight. They'd been watching tv for four hours and honestly it hadn't felt like that much time had passed. "Wow! It's already after midnight."

Roan tensed, his gaze jerking to the clock. He hadn't realized so much time had passed. He'd been too busy trying to keep his hungers and desires in check. Tilting slightly he dragged his cell out of his pocket and turned it on. He didn't have any missed calls or text messages. The thought chilled him. Drake was supposed to call every two hours, four had already passed and he hadn't gotten a call at all. Roan stood, forgetting that Audrey was laying against him and instantly turned to her gasp to see her now laying sideways on the couch. "Sorry." Roan muttered as he helped her sit up right, relieved to hear her tinkle of laughter.

"I'm fine, but you seem-" Audrey paused as she took in Roan's serious and grim expression. "Worried. What's wrong?" She didn't know what caused the sudden change, but she hoped that he would open up to her. While they'd gotten to know each other much better over the last couple months, she still had a slight feeling that he was holding something back from her.

Roan paced, dialing Drake's number and put the phone to his ear. It did nothing but ring continuously before finally it connected. Without hesitation Roan began, "Dra-" He paused when he heard that it wasn't Drake that answered, but the answering machine. He hung up and dialed again and again, but it still ended the same. His heart beat rapidly beneath his chest, the unease he felt earlier returning full force. Where the hell was his brother? Roan startled when Audrey suddenly touched his arm. He turned to look at her worried expression and felt as if things were going out of control. Something that Roan hated. He loved his control, to be in control, but at this moment he felt as if everything was out of his control.

"Are you okay? What's wrong Roan?" Audrey asked, feeling Roan's muscles tense beneath her finger tips. She'd do anything to help, but going by the look on his face and the way his lips thinned she doubted that he would tell her. She felt hurt that he didn't trust her, and even more hurt when he disregarded her concern and began punching in more numbers on his cell phone.

Roan had no choice, but to ask for help. So he called the only person he knew would drop everything to come to him. When the ring connected, he sighed with relief when he heard his sister, Tessa's voice. "Tess.. I need you to come to California." Roan wasn't surprised when his sisters response was immediate. He hung up the phone and slid it back into his pocket. Now that his sister was on her way, he would have to wait until she arrived. Then he would go hunting for his brother.

"Roan! Stop ignoring me and answer my damn question!" Audrey finally snapped. She'd had enough of this. She'd dealt with his sudden mood change since she'd come back down the stairs, but now it was as if she wasn't even in the room.

Roan's eyes widened as he took in Audrey's pissed off expression. He knew he'd acted like a cad, but he couldn't tell her the truth. Not yet. Looking closer, he noticed the hurt that she tried hard to cover up and felt even lower. "I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to act rude. Drake was supposed to call me, but he hasn't. I'm just a little worried is all. He's not the type to not answer his phone or call when he's supposed too.."

Audrey's eyes turned thoughtful as she thought about what he'd said. "Okay, maybe he lost track of time and it's possible that his phone ran out of battery? I'm sure he'll be home any minute." She said, hopeful.

Roan wished that was the case, but he knew that something was wrong. He only hoped that Raven hadn't figured out that Drake was following him alone and took advantage of that. If that was the case, Drake would or should have known Raven was hunting him. Drake had incredible survival skills and instincts. Regardless of what he knew, he knew that Audrey wouldn't understand it. Schooling his features, Roan forced himself to relax. "You're probably right. He's probably just having a good time and will soon call." Leaning forward Roan took Audrey into his arms, becoming slightly calmed by her scent.

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