Roan Black - Thirty-four

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Chapter Thirty-four

Roan didn't want to have this conversation with Audrey, not after they were newly mated and her feelings were still heightened by the changes being done to her body, but he refused to let it go as he had before. To afraid that somehow it would end horribly, just as it had before. "Baby, come sit with me. There are some things that need to explained."

Audrey followed, watching Roan cautiously. She didn't much like the tone he had, almost hesitant. It made her believe she was about to hear something horrible. "What is it?"

Roan took a deep breath, grabbing Audrey's hands in his. "I know that your mother and father have passed. Do you have any other family members? Family that is involved in your life?"

Audrey shook her head, "it was just me, mom and my dad. I only had one aunt and uncle, but we don't contact or see each other. Karla is about as close to family as it gets for me." She noticed the sudden sharp look that entered Roan's eyes and frowned hard. "What? Why are you asking me about family?"

"Because, you're a vampire. You won't age the same and it will show." Roan said slowly, hoping she would understand without him having to spell it out.

Audrey jerked her hands from Roan's and stood up. "How long?" She demanded, her throat closing with the threat of tears.

Roan stood slowly, cautiously. "Audrey.."

"How long do I have before, I have to cut the only person whose been there for me out of my life?!" The growl took her by surprise, but she ignored it and continued to glare.

"Three to five years, but the sooner we get it done, the better off the both of you will be." Roan managed to cage Audrey in his arms and kissed her eyes gently. "I am sorry Audrey. If I could, I'd let you keep her in your life. Understand, this isn't just because of the aging. Having a mortal in our world is dangerous. You saw that first hand."

Audrey rested her forehead against Roan's chest and breathed deeply. She knew she was over reacting, but just thinking of never seeing her best friend, her soul sister again broke her heart. "She's such a part of my life Roan.."

Roan sighed, rocking Audrey back and forth slowly as he held her. "I know baby."

"How would we even remove me from her life?"

"We could claim you'd died in some accident or we could completely remove your existence from her memory." Roan suggested.

Audrey looked up, her eyes wide. "I don't want her to be heart broken over thinking me dead and I don't really want to be completely removed. There are so many memories."

Roan was quite for a moment, "perhaps we could say you'd passed and help her move on at the same time. She'd believe she'd mourned your death, but would completely skip it."

Audrey blinked, "I'll think about it. I'm sorry for being so- emotional."

Roan chuckled, "you'll be moody for a while. At least, until you've finished the change. Your hormones and emotions are out of whack, but they'll be under control soon."

"Oh," Audrey pouted over the thought. She had been moody practically since meeting Roan and wasn't fond of the idea of being moody still.

Roan couldn't help himself when he saw her lips pucker into a pout. He lowered his head, claiming Audrey's lips in a gentle kiss or what was meant to be a gentle kiss. He lost it when he felt Audrey's tongue slide against his lip and took the invitation to deepen it. By the time he'd gained some sort of control, they were both breathing heavily. "About Paris. I know that I live there, but we can live anywhere you want to. It doesn't have to be there."

Audrey smiled, "I'll go where ever you are." She assured. Kissing him one last time before retreating into the kitchen to feed. She for some reason didn't like feeding in front of anyone and would prefer to do it while everyone was away. Roan was her only exception for obvious reasons. Biting into the bag, she sat quietly as she felt Roan come up behind her. His large hands covered her shoulders and she closed her eyes as she felt his lips against her neck. They moved almost feather light against her, but she felt it all the same. She moaned over the bag as she felt his wet tongue slide along her now heated skin.

"You are amazing mate and I love you more each second that passes." Roan whispered in her ear, feeling just as turned on as she was. It was hard to control himself, at times he didn't want to, but he knew that Drake and Tessa would be back any second. With either of their driving it would be only a matter of minutes.

Finally finishing the bag, she tossed it in the trash. "You're such a tease." Audrey accused.

"But you love this tease.." Roan cooed, watching as Audrey stood and faced him.

With a smile she leaned forward and ran her finger in a zig-zag motion down his chest. "I do, but want to know what I also love?" She whispered against Roan's lips, her finger dipping into the waist band of his jeans.

Roan swallowed back the growl and waited for her to explain. "I love paying you back even more." Roan's eyes widened when Audrey suddenly backed away, smiled and strutted her way out of the kitchen, leaving him with a raging erection.

Roan Black ✔ #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now