Roan Black - Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Audrey had been left alone in the cave for a matter of minutes. In that time, she had tried with all her strength to free herself, but she couldn't no matter how hard she'd struggled. The only thing she'd managed to do was bruise herself. Biting her lip rather than scream her frustration, she laid her head back, against the rock and closed her eyes. Her head still ached horribly and thinking about everything that had happened just made it ten times worse if not more. She'd tried to make sense of what she'd seen in her cabin. Tessa's long canines, the glow to her eyes that she'd swore she had saw with Roan. The same name continuously circled around her mind, but each time she'd been about to accept it she shook it away. She was afraid that if she accepted that then it shouldn't have been hard to accept that there were werewolves in the world.

Audrey's mind wasn't ready to forget the possibility for a moment. "There is no such thing, there is no such thing." She repeated out loud, hoping to convince herself that she wasn't a loon. She was so into the thought that she hadn't heard any footsteps, no sounds that could have prepared her when she was suddenly jerked upwards out of her sitting place. She gasped in shock, her eyes widening when she looked to Raven's grinning face.

"Talking to yourself? I wonder what it was that you was trying to convince yourself wasn't real." Raven shook his head, seemingly deciding it was of no importance. "Come, I have much to get done and I doubt it will take Roan long to figure out where we've gone." Raven didn't give Audrey time to move on her own, but dragged her through the cave. He lead her to a hard metal table. Audrey took one look at it and began to struggle harder, not caring that her bare feet pushed painfully into the slightly jagged floor. The table had straps for both wrists and ankles and Audrey knew he was going to strap her down.

The fear that came over her was like none she'd ever experienced. The fear overwhelmed her when she heard Raven laugh as if her fear was amusing to him. "Come now, it isn't all that bad." Audrey jerked free and swung, connecting with what she hoped was the creeps face, she tried to run, but after a mere step she felt an arm slide around her waist lifting her of the ground. She didn't give up, but began kicking and swinging her hands more.

Audrey's breath left her in a whoosh as she was slammed down, back first to the metal table. She was so dazed and he was so fast that she didn't even have time to struggle as Raven unbound her hands and strapped them down. The throb in her head intensified, but she pushed through the daze and realized he was standing at her feet, strapping one ankle in. Trying one last time, she reared her foot back and kicked. She gasped when her foot was caught painfully in his palm, he squeezed so hard so was sure her bones were about to break when suddenly he released her and strapped her foot down. "That was very naughty of you Audrey."

Audrey took a better look and nearly grinned in satisfaction when she realized she'd busted his nose, the blood ran freely down to his upper lip and little drops hit his lower lip and chin. "You're sick. So what? Your doing all of this just to see Roan in pain?" She demanded, "what did he do? Huh? What did he do that you would involve me?"

The calm facade that Raven had put on finally snapped and he growled in Audrey's face. "He took something from me. Something that cannot ever be found again! I had planned to return the insult. To cause him as much pain as he had caused me. I even went into much discussion with my beast, but we've decided to do something much more agonizing and much more devastating to the lord Roan." Raven paused. "First, I must make you believe that I'm actually telling you the truth."

Audrey watched and breathed a sigh of relief as Raven moved a couple steps back, her eyes widened like saucers as he began to shed his clothes. She closed her eyes briefly, but the sound of sudden cracks that echoed through out the cave had her eyes popping back open. She turned terrified eyes to Raven, watching as he bent over. The bone's in his back visible to her as they seemed to snap up, then down as if they were reshaping themselves. She screamed when she saw the large dusty wolf standing there, his canines on display. Her mind could no longer deny that he was a werewolf. She'd watched it with her own eyes as he shifted and as he shifted back to stand on two feet, human feet. When he began to walk towards her after slipping his jeans back on, she screamed again. "Stay away from me! STAY AWAY!!" She struggled without effect and felt the tears fall. She thought she'd felt fear before when she saw the table, now she wasn't so sure her heart would hold up against the fear she felt now.

She was barely aware of the soft 'shushing' sound coming from Raven, but when she looked at him again she noticed that he again looked amused and even pleased by her fear. "You see, as I was saying earlier. I'm going to do something much more than cause Roan pain. I'm going to completely destroy him, with one. Simple. Bite." Though she heard what he'd said, she couldn't comprehend. Hell, she couldn't even get her mind to work correctly to form a sentence. "I can see that you don't understand, but I'm going to explain." She heard Raven assure. "You see, us werewolves mate for life. Usually when one mate dies, the other soon follows. However, there are those who manage to live through the loss, but never fully recover. They can never connect, love or feel for another person as long as they breath. I figured, I would be no different. Roan killed my mate fifty some years ago, I thought I would die, but somehow I survived. I didn't want to. I was more than happy to follow my Lily into the next life, but I didn't. I soon realized that the reason was because I was given a new mission in life. To get revenge for my Lily's death." Audrey watched him closely, noticing the slight sheen of tears in his eyes as he spoke. If he hadn't tied her to a table and wasn't some beast she would have felt bad for him or sympathetic. Her mind briefly wondered why Roan would kill his mate, but didn't get the chance to think about it as Raven continued with his story.

"I tormented him. Stealing human females and taunting him with them. He tried to prevent the attacks, but he missed me several times. It was always fun to play our games, but when I saw you- my beast didn't want to taunt you in front of Roan like we had before. He wanted so much more. You see, like I said before werewolves mate for life and we can change a human so long as they're our mate. If they aren't, well the human who's bitten will die. The body just won't accept the changes being made and when they begin to shift for the first time the pain kills them."

Audrey's eyes widened with slow understanding. He was going to bite her! To change her into what he was.

"My beast is accepting of making you our mate and hopefully with that being the case you'll survive the change. Roan will never be able to claim you as his own and he wouldn't want to either. After all, Roan hates werewolves. Given the chance he would probably kill you himself if the change doesn't do it first." Raven sighed heavily. "I guess we shall see what comes of this. You should really be thanking me, being a werewolf is so much better than being a vampire." Audrey watched mouth open as Raven suddenly straightened and walked out of her view. She laid her head down, staring up at the dark rocky ceiling and felt like sobbing. None of this could be happening. What had she done in her pervious life to deserve this?

What if Raven was right? What if Roan tried to kill her? What if he hated her for becoming what she didn't choose to be? Hell could she even deal with the fact that her thoughts were verified, that Roan was a vampire? The pain in her head suddenly exploded and all she saw was a bright light before darkness consumed her.


So Raven's going to 'attempt' to change Audrey into a werewolf... Dunn Dunn Dunnnn.

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