Roan Black - Twenty-four

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Chapter Twenty-four

Roan was in a rage leaving Drake and Tessa. He would kill Raven like he should have years ago. The only reason he hadn't was because he felt guilty for what he'd done. He carried the guilt to this day, even after Raven had went on his killing spree. There for the longest time, he had hoped that if he could just speak to Raven, explain what had happened he could somehow fix his mind. Roan shook his head, there was no fixing this now though. Raven had done too many horrible things, to people, women who didn't deserve it. He had to be punished and the punishment would be death.

Roan stopped outside the cave where he'd found Drake and took a deep breath. His nose filled with Audrey's intoxicating scent. She was inside, and from the slightly spicy scent mixed with hers he knew she was terrified. He couldn't blame her, this was his fault. He shouldn't have let his past catch up to her, he should have had the courage to explain things to her. He knew that now, not that it helped the matter at hand. Roan stood outside, wondering how he should approach this when a familiar voice rang through the cave and silence surrounding him.

"Come in Roan, we have much to get done. I wouldn't want Audrey waiting any longer than she has to." Raven's voice was laced with amusement, but Roan caught the slight anger beneath.

Roan masked his emotions and walked forward, moving into the dark cave. He could see light at the end and moved towards it only stopping when he was at the mouth of the opening. His eyes scanned the area quickly and his heart jumped at the sight of Audrey strapped down to a table.

"She's unharmed, for now." Raven's voice was much louder and Roan turned his head, his eyes connecting with the cold yellowish eyes of his former best friend. "It's been a long time."

"Let Audrey go, she has nothing to do with any of this." Roan's voice remain emotionless, he refused to look at Audrey again afraid that if he did he would do something rash.

"She has everything to do with this. I am surprised however that you didn't explain to her about your condition." Raven cocked a brow, a smirk curving his lips. "It doesn't matter much now, but she seemed very calm while learning about you. I can't say that she was calm finding out about me though. Perhaps, that has to do with her feelings for you?" Raven pondered, moving closer to the metal table where Audrey laid helpless.

Roan tensed watching, afraid to move for fear Raven would act before he could reach him.

"I told her about Lily." There was a sad tone to Raven's voice, that was quickly forgotten when he spoke again, "how you killed her." Raven leaned closer to Audrey, smacking her cheek lightly. "Wake up." Raven grinned when Audrey groaned and blinked her eyes open. They widened due to his closeness to her face, but otherwise she kept quiet. "Roan has joined us."

Roan emotionless facade nearly dropped as he heard her tired voice. "R-Roan?"

"I'm here Audrey. Just stay calm." Roan turned his face to Raven who had taken a step back. A satisfied smile plastered on his face. Roan would remove it soon enough, but he had to be careful. "Let her go Raven. Your fight is with me, not her."

Raven groaned like a child being denied his favorite snack. "I can't do that Roan. The beast wants her." Raven's eyes lit up as he watched the calmness that surrounded Roan crack. "Yes, my beast wants her. It was what drew me to her in the first place, what made me follow her out here, but as soon as I saw you and her- I knew. I knew she was your life mate, after five hundred years you finally found her. Unfortunately, instead of feeling happy for you. I felt angrier than I've ever felt. Here I was miserable, because you killed my mate and you walked around smiling and happy." Raven moved back to Audrey and played with her hair, "I planned to kill her and make you watch as I did it, but my beast had a much better idea. One that would ensure you endless suffering."

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