Roan Black - Nine

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Warning - a small steamy section up ahead. Fair warning.

Also, I'm not for sure if I will be posting tomorrow so decided to go ahead and post this one.

Chapter Nine

Over the next several weeks Audrey had become accustomed to living out in the country rather than in the city, though she never had any doubts that she could do it. She hadn't received a letter, random knock or anything else since leaving either, which had her excited. She even began to relax, though there were still times she felt that she was being watched. Audrey heard some sort of hitting sound and frowned as she walked to the door. She unlocked her door, opening it wide to step onto the porch and nearly fainted.

Roan was standing there, ax in hand and completely shirtless. The sight to Audrey was like watching a god, his chest and stomach tightening with each swing of the ax. Audrey knew she should call out, but she couldn't find her voice. Her eyes continued their observation without shame and her body heated as images of running her hands over his perfectly sculpted body, learning every part of him. By the time she was able to control herself, she was panting lightly.

"Are you okay Audrey?" Roan asked. He'd noticed the moment Audrey had walked out of her cabin. He may not have seen her, but he could feel her, smell her. Her scent was delicious and intoxicating. So intoxicating that he had trouble concentrating on the wood he had lined up. So instead of make himself look foolish for missing the large stump, he stopped to talk to her.

His eyes darkened when he realized she wasn't paying attention to him, but rather was watching his lower abdomen. Roan didn't know what he was doing, but he found his body moving before he could control himself. He stopped when he was a foot away from Audrey and the movement seemed to have brought her out of her trance. Her wide green eyes looked up at him, her lips parted, begging him to taste. He wanted to and he decided then that that's exactly what he was going to do.

Audrey didn't know how he'd gotten so close to her so quickly, she was trying to banish the thoughts, but now having him so close, his every essence invading her space, made her mind go blank. She couldn't even comprehend what was happening when Roan's head began to lower. When she felt the feather-light brush of Roan's lips, it was as if a dam broke in her mind. Every thought, image, a desire she'd been trying to douse rose overwhelmingly high. Every nerve in her body, ever cell was on fire causing her to gasp.

Roan only meant to get a taste, just one taste, but the moment he touched her lips he knew he wouldn't stop there. His body was tight with need and while he had lost most of his control due to Audrey's sexy little gasp, he was still level-headed enough that he needed to go slowly. He couldn't push her, so slowly he wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her as close as he could to his chest. Just the feel of her softness against him seemed to play against him. A growl vibrated his chest with the sudden and almost overwhelming need to mark her. Roan took advantage of her parted lips, his tongue plunged into the sweetness he wanted to taste so desperately.

Audrey couldn't stop the small moan from leaving her when she felt herself being pressed against Roan's chest. The kiss was gentle at first, searching, testing, but suddenly it changed. No longer was is searching or gentle it was hot, wild, frantic and dominating. She loved it, no one had ever made her feel like this. She hissed with pain and pleasure when Roan nipped at her lower lip. She swore she was going to explode.

Roan tried his best to keep in control, but if Audrey kept wiggling against him like she was he wasn't going to be able to. Sure he could control the situation, Roan's hands moved down her curves, around to grip her ass. Squeezing hard, he lifted her, satisfied when she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist.

Roan anchored her against the wall of her cabin, broke the kiss and began nipping and sucking at her neck. He felt the shift in his mouth, but he was too caught up in her scent, her feeling and her sexy little whimpers that he didn't pay attention.

"Roan." A voice called, splashing over Roan like cold water. He felt Audrey stiffen against him and forced himself to breathe slowly to gain control. He felt the shift in his mouth and slowly lifted his head to stare at Audrey. She was panting, her lips were swollen, wet and slightly red from his kiss.

Her eyes were glazed with hunger and desire and it made him want to kill his brother for ruining their moment, but as he looked around, he realized that perhaps his brother saved him from having his first time with his mate outside in the open.

"I'm sorry," Roan said, realizing he'd basically attacked her.

Audrey tried to calm down, but the aching was fierce and one she knew would need a cold, cold shower to dim. She couldn't speak just then and shook her head. She didn't want him to feel sorry, because honestly, it was amazing. Audrey wanted to shift but realized she was still anchored against the wall, Roan's hands still holding her up.

Clearing her throat, Audrey was able to finally speak though her voice was thick and husky. "You should probably go see what Drake wants before...." she trailed off, she didn't want to be seen like this as much as she enjoyed it.

Roan realized he had yet to release her and did so quickly, but feeling her little body slide down his own only brought the fire back. "Sorry... I'll see you later, okay?"

Audrey smiled and nodded, sighing lightly when Roan leaned forward to kiss her forehead before turning and leaving her standing there. She decided that shower was a good idea now.

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