Roan Black - Twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one

Roan had a hell of a time tracking his brother, but he's finally managed to find a solid trail. Raven had led Roan around on a while goose chase. Taking him hundreds of miles away from the cabin, only to turn around and follow a new trail. Roan cursed when as he sat outside the cave that produced his brothers scent and judged by his location he was only about twenty miles from the cabin. How had he passed it passed it up? Raven was a slick bastard and Roan would be sure to remember to add it to the long list of Raven's faults.

With cautious hesitation, Roan moves into the cave his eye sight adjusting to the darkness. The cave was musky, slightly colder than the outside, but the further he walked in the more certain his brother was inside. He turned several times as he walked, slowing when he saw a light glow of light ahead of him. He crouched, walking along the shadow's of the wall and his stomach clenched painfully when he saw Drake chained up. Looking around further he didn't see signs of another and slowly made his way forward. Leaning down, he slapped his brother's cheek lightly. "Drake. Drake wake up." Roan hissed, sighing when his brother's eyes opened.

"Roan?" Drake asked, sure he was hallucinating again.

"Yes, are you injured?" Roan asked, removing the lock easily before removing the chains from around his brother. He looked him over quickly, but saw no wound.

Drake sat up slowly, rubbing his arms and legs. "No. I was drugged. At this moment, I'm still unsure if you're real or not." Drake admitted with a grimace and suddenly yelped in shock when Roan slapped him harder. "What the-"

"There, I'm real. We have to get out of here. We'll talk further once I have you safe." Roan didn't wait for his brother to talk, but reached down and with ease lifted his brothers nearly limp body. He cautiously moved the way he'd come in, pausing at the entrance of the cave. He didn't see anything and figured at least he could make a run for it. "We're going to run. We'll stop only when we get to my truck." Roan barely gave his brother time to take a breath before he was hauling him over his shoulders and began running. The truck was parked five miles from where he'd found the cave, by the time Roan reached it, Roan wasn't even winded. He set Drake down next to the truck long enough to open the door and then practically threw Drake inside, shutting the door behind him and getting in on the drivers side.

Once they'd gotten on the road, Roan turned to look at Drake who was slumped against the passenger door, his eyes closed. Roan could see the exhaustion on his brothers face and worried that whatever drug that had been given may cause harm. He couldn't think of any drug that could take down a vampire, but then it was Raven they were talking about. If anyone could find a potent combination it was him. "Drake, wake up. I need you to tell me what happened."

Drake's eyes opened slowly, his eyes scanning the road. "I found Raven's trail.. I followed him to the cave, but before I could turn to leave I was stuck with something. I don't know what it was, but the effect was immediate. I felt tired, but not tired enough to sleep. It was if I was paralyzed.." Drake closed his eyes briefly, hoping the nausea would pass. "I was awake the entire time, could hear Raven muttering about-" Drake suddenly sat up, his expression panicked as he took in the empty back seat. "Where is Audrey?"

Roan frowned, "with Tessa." Roan noted that his brother didn't look any less panicked, but the news that their sister was there only seemed to increase it.

"Tessa is there?! Roan this was a trap! He wanted to get you away from Audrey! He wanted you to come looking for m!" Drake shouted, his breath coming out in pants.

Coldness went through Roan at the announcement and he pushed the his foot hard on the petal, sending the truck forward with more speed. "Did you hear anything else?" He asked calmly, though on the inside he was anything but. He'd played right into Raven's hands. He just prayed that both Audrey and his sister were okay. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if they weren't.

In half the time, Roan was pulling up to the cabin's. The darkness that surrounded them only hieghtened the fact that Roan could clearly see Audrey's front door missing. Barely managing to put the truck in park he jumped out and ran to the front door, in passing noticing that Audrey's driver door was opene. His heart jumped with fear as he saw Tessa laying on the floor. Running to her side, he lifted her slightly, quickly checking the head wound that was closing slowly as he looked her over.

"Is she alive?" Roan turned to Drake's fearful voice and nodded.

"Yes, she's alive. Tessa, honey wake up." Roan said softly, rubbing his thumb over her cheek. This was his fault, all of it. He shouldn't have sent Drake alone, he shouldn't have put his sister in harms way and he should have told Audrey the truth. If he had, he could have made sure that she was safe in another country, surrounded by his clan. Instead, he let pride get in the way. He was so sure he could handle this. Roan listened as a soft moan escaped his sister and her eyes fluttered open. " Tess..."

Tessa woke slowly, her mind at first hazy, but at the sight of Roan everything came back too quickly. She gasped and sat up, her gazing wildly. "Where is he?"

Roan frowned, "who Tessa?"

"Raven! He was here! Oh god!" Tessa stood, not even noticing Drake as she looked out the front door. Tears came to her eyes as she saw Audrey's truck still parked in the drive way. "He got her. Oh god." She sobbed, covering her mouth. She turned her watery gaze to Roan and felt her heart ache. "I'm so sorry Roan! I failed! I- she I tried..."

Drake couldn't take the sight of his sisters upset and pulled her into his arms. It only seemed to make her sobs grow. He cooed to her, hoping to calm her and after a few moments it worked. "Tell us what happened Tessa, everything."

Tessa looked up at Drake, noting his tiredness, but pushing the concern aside for now. After all Drake was now here, but Audrey wasn't. "I'd begged Audrey to stay with me, but she felt like a burden so she refused. I kept watch on the house, but the moment I turned away to feed I heard glass shattering and her scream. I came in through the door and god Roan she was stubborn. She didn't want to leave me..." Tessa admitted, dreading what she'd tell him next. "I had no choice, I had to get her to leave me. I-I flashed my fangs and even then she was hesitant. She ran, I was sure she would get away. I told her to get in her truck and to not stop..."

Roan had gone numb the moment his sister spoke of Raven being there. The thought of his mortal mate in the hands of a monster were chilling and all so consuming. Without saying anything further, he moved past Drake and Tessa and out to Audrey's truck. He looked over it carefully, taking in the scent. His blood went cold when he smelt blood. He looked closer and found a small amount on the door along with a slight dent. The bastard had slammed her head into it!

"I'm going to find her." Roan said, knowing his siblings would hear.

"You can't go alone! Don't be stupid Roan, lets call for help." Tessa tried to reason, but could tell by the cold look that settled on her brother's face that reason wouldn't work now.

"Raven will wish he'd never fucked with what's mine." Roan growled, before disappearing into thin air, leaving only a raging aura behind.

"He'll be fine. Raven has been pushing Roan for years, but this time he's pushed him to far. Nothing will stop Roan now, not even a crazed mutt." Drake was worried, but he was more worried that Roan would lose to much control. He worried if Audrey would be able to accept Roan for what he was and who he was. "I need blood and so do you little sis. Let's feed and we'll set out after them."

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