Roan Black - Twenty-two

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Chapters Twenty-two

Audrey woke and instantly felt pain shoot through her skull. Her first attempt at opening her eyes felt as if someone had shoved an ice pick into her head several times, her stomach rolled and she had to swallow several times against the sickness; By her second try, she had taken several deep breaths, managing to control her stomach. She cracked her eyes open and felt a moment's panic as she saw nothing but darkness. Dear Lord was she blind?! She thought fearfully.

The thought was quickly banished when a sudden fire roared to life in front of her. She wasn't able to enjoy the relief of finding that she wasn't blind though. "Finally you're awake. I fear I let my temper get into the way and smashed your head a tad too hard."

Audrey jerked her head towards her left, the movement causing her stomach to clench and her gaze to go in and out. Talking several more deep breaths she moved more slowly, frowning when she only saw darkness. "W-What do you want from me?" She managed to get out, her throat dry, making her voice come out scratchy.

She heard a hum in response and suddenly the man moved from the shadows and into the light the fire produced. Audrey was slightly surprised. She had expected the man to look ugly or deformed, but this man was handsome a little rugged and rough looking perhaps, but handsome. His hair was a dark blonde or a brown, she couldn't be sure in this lighting, but she could see from his outline that he was nearly as tall as Roan and Drake and his shoulders nearly as wide.

"I don't know what exactly it is about you, but you sooth my beast. He has a very- interesting idea for you. One I find that I, myself don't mind." The man began, pacing lazily back and forth. "Unfortunately, we won't have time for all the things my beast wants. I wasn't expecting Roan to call his sister and it messed with my time line." He spoke as if Tessa had been a nuisance and it spiked Audreys anger, but then she frowned, she hasn't seen this man anywhere in sight when the wolf attacked. How was Roan and this man connected?

"You set the wolf on us?" Audrey accused, her eyes narrowing. "You sent me the box in the city. Broke into my apartment. Broke my window! Why?!" She demanded, fighting against the rope that bound her hands together.

The man had the nerve to walk to her, crouch in front of her and shake his finger at her in a 'tsk tsk' motion. As if she were a naughty child. "Yes, I did all those things, but I don't own a wolf." His sudden grin sent a chill of fear down Audreys spine. "I enjoyed the sight when I broke into your apartment. I was going to take you then, but I figured I would play with you a bit longer. I didn't imagine you'd actually move, but that didn't slow my rising hunger. When I saw Roan I thought I should move on to another, but the beast wouldn't let me. After watching the two of you I realized why."

The sudden triumph in the man's eyes made Audrey confused. What was even more confusing was the fact he kept bringing up this 'beast' as if it had a mind of its own. Was this man suffering from split personality disorder?

"You my lovely, are the Roan Black' s life mate." The suspense that had built up for Audrey was suddenly gone and replaced by even more confusion. "You had been interesting at first, but once I realized your importance to Roan your worth became so much more."

"Where is the wolf?" Audrey asked. She had to get answers. She had so many questions and at the moment this man seemed in a fair mood excluding the fact that he was obviously sick.

"The wolf. Why he is here." He said as he pointed to his chest. "I fear my manners have escaped me. I was so excited that it slipped my mind." He stood, bowing slightly and grinned. "My name is Raven De'lorre and I am a werewolf."

Audreys eyes widened at the claim. He wasn't just messed up in the head, he was delusional and she was stuck with him.

"I can see you don't believe me, but it won't matter for long. I must set to it if I plan to get anything done. I will enjoy the look of agony on Roan's face and his cries of helplessness." Raven closed his eyes as if savoring it at that moment. "It will be everything that he deserves.."

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