Roan Black - Thirty-one

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Chapter Thirty-one

Audrey was pacing her living room, trying to ignore the eyes she felt on her as the night went on. This was unbearable, waiting and waiting to see if she sprouted hair or not. She rubbed a hand along the back of her neck, feeling uneasy the more time went on. "So how long does it take to know? Do I have to wait the entire night or will we know soon?" Audrey stopped pacing long enough to direct her question at Roan.

Roan wished he knew, but he didn't. "I don't know Audrey. I do know the first moon is the most important, so if you make it through this one without shifting, you won't in the future." He was on edge himself and watching Audrey pace back and forth, back and forth made his nerves shoot higher. "Audrey, why don't you take a seat. Try to relax." Roan winced when Audrey turned a sharp glare to him, but ignored his suggestion and continued her pacing.

"Audrey, you haven't shifted so far.... more than likely you won't." Tessa said gently, hoping to calm Audrey.

"Maybe you should all go back over to your cabin and leave me alone." Audrey snapped, feeling instantly bad when she saw the hurt look cross Roan, Tessa and Drakes faces. She knew they were just concerned for her and wanted to make sure she was okay. Stopping she took a deep breath, opened her mouth to apologize, but the moment she began to speak she felt a shift in her mouth that made her gasp and cover her mouth with her hand. The dull throb that she felt didn't necessarily hurt, but it was surprising.

Roan was at Audrey's side instantly, concern flooding him. "Audrey, are you okay?"

Audrey nodded slowly, removing her hand from her mouth. "I felt something.." She said lowly, rubbing her tongue along her teeth. She froze when she felt that her canine teeth had grown not only longer, but sharp enough to draw blood from her tongue. Moving past Roan, she ran to the bathroom and immediately opened her mouth wide to stare in the mirror. Horror was the first feeling that shot through her when she saw the extended teeth, then fear. Was she beginning to shift? What if Roan really did end up hating her? She was so busy staring at the new teeth and in her own mind that she didn't realize that Roan was right behind her until he turned her towards him.

Roan grabbed Audrey's chin gently and lifted her face so that he could see the fangs again. "Open." He commanded as gently as possible and watched as Audrey's jaw snapped open. Relief shot thought him hard as he inspected them and couldn't stop himself from grinning. Audrey didn't seem to appreciate his sudden good humor and snapped her mouth shut, glaring holes at him. "You won't be shifting into a furry wolf, my love. Those are fangs of a vampire."

"S-so I'm not going to be a.... I'm like you?" Audrey asked carefully, wanting to be sure she had heard him right.

Roan nodded, the goofy grin still on his face. "Yes, you are now a vampire. Though, it won't be complete until you've fed."

Audrey paled slightly at the thought. Sure she was much happier being a vampire than being a fur ball, but the thought of drinking blood still made her stomach turn uneasily. "Do I have to now?"

Roan's gaze softened as he nodded slowly. "The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you'll realize that it isn't as bad as you believe. You'll come to like, even love the taste and at the moment your mind is still thinking as a mortals." Roan grabbed Audrey's chin again and before she could think further he kissed her. The kiss was only meant to distract her mind from her worries, but he himself had quickly lost his own train of though and his intentions.

When Roan felt Audrey's small hands travel around his neck, his own hands moved to her ass. He squeezed the rounded flesh before lifting her and stepping forward to set her on the bathroom sink. Audrey didn't hesitate to wrap her legs around him and he growled his appreciation. Deepening the kiss, his tongue stroked hers as he grinded his growing hardness against her core. The throaty moan he received only made him more desperate and the clothes between him and what he wanted- no needed made him groan in frustration.

Audrey's hands began clawing at his shirt, assuring him that he wasn't the only one that needed this. Breaking the kiss, Roan quickly removed his shirt. His eyes watched closely as Audrey did the same. Admiring the way her stomach muscles tensed at the action. He couldn't help, but lean forward and lick the valley between her breasts, nipping at the flesh that bulged out of the thin lacy bra she wore. "You are so beautiful." He murmured, kissing, licking and nipping his way up her neck.






So sorry that this chapter wasn't put up sooner. I swear, every time I say that I'm going to get it up, something came up and I was completely distracted. Anyways, here it is- fair warning the next chapter will leave off from this one and will be much more detailed. You've been warned.

Also if you aren't a follower, you won't be able to view it because it will be set to private due to the maturity of it.

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