Chapter 31

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Lizzy's outfit

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Lizzy's outfit

Lizzy's outfit

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Mack's outfit


Louisa Summer

     I had gotten hold of Mackenzie again and I was doing her hair

    "Lizzy!!!! We're going to be late! And this time, its to a party... I CARE!!!"

    "Just give me a minute!" There was a knock on the door.

    "Mack? Liz? You commin'?" Someone called through the door.

    "Who is it?" I called.

    "I am a person. Who is dating someone in that room."

    "Scott Parnel? Patch Cipriano? Jace Wayland... or ummm Herondale... or uhhh Morgenstern... or um Lightwood? Figure out your last name and then you can come inside." I said

    "Uhhh No its Sebastian." He said.

    "Oh, well then your not allowed to come in." I said

    "Lizzy!" Mackenzie whined.

    "Fine!" I said.

    "She's doing your hair." Sebastian said as he walked in

    "Thank you Capitan Obvious." I said

    "I know Seb! Help me!!!" Mack said

    "Oh shush." I told her.

    "Prince Charming to the rescue!!" Sebastian said, scooping Mack out from under me.

    "Hey!" I complained. "I wasnt done yet!!" 

    "Its fine, Lizzy, lets go!" Mack told me.

    "Fine." I said, walking out the door.

    "Deans dorm is that way" Sebastian called. I turned around

    "Ya could have told me that!" I said, walking past the doorway


      Mackenzie and Sebastian disappeared like mist over the sea as soon as we set foot into Dean's dorm. I sighed, on my own again. I heard a voice in my ear.

    "Hey beautiful, wanna dance?"

     I spun around to see a tall, wavy blonde haired, grey eyed, and man, was he built, man standing before me. 

    "Umm, yea, sure, I guess." I said, suddenly shy in his presence.

     He took my hand and led me out to where the beds  should  have been. Only heaven knows where they went, probably hidden in the bathroom. He held me close, his hand on the small of my back.

     "Whats your name?" He askes, leaning down.

    "I'm Louisa- uhhh, Lizzy." I say, cheeks burning at my own idioticy

    "Lizzy... I like that. I'm Rickson" He said, spinning me around to the silent music only playing in our heads.

    "Hey everyone!" Someone called, Dean I assumed. "I nabbed some punch from the kitchen!" This was followed by a lot of cheering and Riskson yelling:

    "Way to go Dean!" Then, quieter, down in my ear, "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back."

    "Ummm, okay..." I giggled as he stroked my hair as he left.

    "Lizzy!!!" I heard someone say. I spun around, my blonde to red ombré hair spilling out from around my back. I expected Mackenzie, but instead, turned to find Bittanna, holding a red plastic cup, wearing a just as plastic smile.

    "What do you want?" I grumbled.

    "No need to jump to conclusions. I just brought you some punch." She said, plastic smile faltering.

    "Umm, I'm okay, thanks, Rickson's just gone to get me a drink..." I said slowly.

    "Oh, pity. He'll just need to drink two. Here," she said, shoving the cup towards me. "I insist."

    "Thank you Bittanna, but I'm okay, really, I'm fine!" I said. Her eyes hardened, and I could tell she was straining to keep the smile in place

    " I am just trying to do something nice. Seriously. I got it just for you." She said, stepping towards me. I stepped back.

    "Seriously. I'm good, Rickson will be coming back soon with our drinks." I hope... Wait, why did my voice crack when I said "our"?

    "Come on Lizard." She said,

     We repeated the process. Me back, her forward. Again and again and again, till I was backed up against a wall. I urgently looked around for Rickson, but her friends blocked my view.  One of them held my wrists down against the wall, as Bittanna inched forward, drink in hand. I did the only thing it seemed like I could do. I opened my mouth to scream but Bittanna took the opportunity to pour the revolting drink in my mouth. It tasted like peach, with an underlying taste of metal. I wished I was surprised that Bittanna had spiked the punch, but, alas, I was not. I choked and spit the punch all over her. She gasped and pushed past her and her friends, out into the crowd.

    I saw Rickson and walked over to him.

"Hey." He said. "Where have you been, beautiful? I've been looking for you." I blushed.

    "I was, ummm, in the bathroom." I lied, I don't know why, but it just didn't feel right to tell Rickson what happened with Bittanna.

    "Oh, well, here you go." He said, handing me a cup. "Cheers." He said, and hit his glass to mine, then he chugged his. So I did the same, it tasted like peach. Nice steal, Dean.

    He took our glasses and put them on a nearby table, which I was glad for, now that I knew what lurked in the crowds. He pulled me close again and we spun around and around and around. He tilted my chin up to look in my eyes.

   "You have beautiful eyes..." He said, studying them, like they were some rare gem.

    I opened my mouth to say 'Thank You' but he leaned down and kissed me before I had the chance. Wait, what?! He kissed me? Yep. He kissed me. It was sweet and slow, with a promise of more, a promise I hoped he intended to keep. I kissed him back, testing him, biting his lip. I was dimly aware that there were only so many people around now. I looked around for Mackenzie and Sebastian.

    "Who are you looking for?" He asked me.

    "Oh, just my roommate." I told him and leaned up to kissed him again.

    "Ummm.... Sorry, guys? Party's over....." Dean said. We ignored him. God, his hair was so soft! They were like a baby bunny... Or a kitten.... Or a puppy! Dean tried again. "Guys? Sorry, you have to leave, it's my dorm." Rickson flipped him off. Dean shrugged. Riskson pulled away.

     "Let's go to my
dorm." He whispered in my ear.

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