Chapter 25

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THE INTEROGATION (before the video conference with Eursila.)

Sebastian Black

     I woke with my arms tied behind my back, my head throbbing.

     I took in my surroundings, which happened to include a table and chairs, a water cooler, a wall lined with cells, one of which I was in, and sitting in a chair was a tall blonde haired girl with black tips wearing a black mini-skirt and a red crop-top and black leather jacket with tall black boots that made my heart ache reminding me of MacKenzie.

    "Hey... what's up.. ummm.. how ya doing?"  I asked, embarrassed to be flirting after just waking up.

    "Oh, I'm good. Oh... dear you have some... uh... blood on your shirt."

    "Umm I kinda can't reach it so could you... uh..."

    "Oh sure! Come closer." She said.

     I leaned closer, knowing that this was a terrible idea.  I leaned in and she punched me in the throat. I leaned down, choking.

    " Dude, you really have to work on your flirting, and besides, I have a boyfriend." She said, her sweet voice gone.

     " And if you are, who Danté says you are, you're not doing too bad yourself..."

    "Isabella? How's it going ? " The voice came the doorway, and Isabella's face brightened immediately at the voice.

   "It's going fine, but I think he needs to talk to you."

   "I will...but, I want to speak to our guest... alone"

    She scowled, but walked out.

     " He's pretty beat up... Emma and Jake did a great job!"

     "Great! Maybe now he'll be more cooperative, remind me to give them a raise."

     I hear them say goodbyes, kiss, and then he walks in. Danté, salt and pepper hair accompanied by a salt and pepper goatee and those familiar gold eyes from earlier. I glared at him, for the lack of anything else to do.

     "Sebastian! Nice to meet your aquantance... finally. Eursila hasn't been in touch."

      "Wonder whyyy...." I said, he glared at me.

    "So... you're an ex of her? Eursila?"

    "I don't see why you need to know this information. Oh and by the way it's gross that you're dating someone half your age." I stated dryly

   "That's none of your business, and the more you tell me willingly, the more ransom money I'm going to make."

   "Ransom?!?! Seriously! "

   " People make ransoms all the time, and as long as you have people who love you, and people to pay.... well..."

     I hated him. No question. He moved closer, and I backed farther into the cell, like a cornered animal, every instinct saying 'Fight or Flight' I pulled restlessly at my wrists, the bindings cutting at them.

     "Now now, come here, I don't bite."

   "Right." I said, stepping closer, secretly planning his demise.

     It involved sunglasses, a camel, a water cooler, and a woodchipper... but seeing as I had no camels or woodchippers.... I'll make do.

He opened the cell door and I knew I was running out of time.

With nothing else to do, I lunged at him, which was the cherry on top of the cake of bad ideas I've done,  especially because of my lack of hands. He caught me easily and threw me across the room, and laughed. Hard.

He strode across the cell in two easy steps and laid a foot on my chest, preventing me from standing.

    "If you're Eursila's best recruit, than I'd hate to see worst." He chuckled.

   " Well I'm not quite at my best without hands."

    "Okay then," He rolled me over, and undid my restraints. "Let's fight. Fairly. You win, you go. Free of charge. If not," He smiled. "Isabella!" He called.

    She came rushing in, happy to do some damage. 

    "Judge this fairly, will you?" And he swung a punch.

      I dodged and rolled, then got up, he came towards me, and I kicked out, knocking his legs out from under him, but he rolled, and landed gracefully. He jumped at me, and knocked me into a wall. I punched at him, and hit him in the jaw. He groaned, and pulled my arms behind my back. I used this to flip him over my back and onto the ground. I kicked him in his stomach and grinned. He pulled my legs out from under me and rolled onto me. He pinned my arms on the ground above my head. I was down... I had lost...this wasn't going to end well...


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