Chapter 2

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MacKenzie's outfit

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MacKenzie's outfit


MacKenzie Porter

     As I ran from the house my heart was pounding, when I finally stopped to catch my breath my anger had despursed.

     I was just so mad at everyone in my life and just needed to get out of there before all my painful memories consumed me.

     I was mad at my dad for working all the time and never having enough time to spend with me, and at my mom for leaving us, for leaving me.

     When my thoughts started to clear from the haze of loneliness, grief and abandonment, I realized I didn't recognize this part of town, but I kept walking anyway looking for something where I had the potential to get into a little trouble.

     I stopped walking when something got caught in my periphery.

     There was something nestled in an ally between two buildings and realized it was another building.

     It would have been completely out of sight had it not been for the fact that I was so close to it and was actually looking.

     As I examined the building trying to find an entrance, it occurred to me if it were a secret club or something the entrance wouldn't be as obvious as a door, it would have to be something subtle so that if someone (like me) happened to stumble upon the building they wouldn't be able to find a way in, but I am not most people and I am smarter than they are and know how to look for something subtle.

      I was soon rewarded, there was a brick in the wall that stuck out slightly more than the others, I push on it tenderly and it didn't budge, so I picked up a brick that had crumbled away from the rest of the wall over the years and smashed it against the exposed brick with all my might and finally the door swung open.

      I was soon rewarded, there was a brick in the wall that stuck out slightly more than the others, I push on it tenderly and it didn't budge, so I picked up a brick that had crumbled away from the rest of the wall over the years and smashed it...

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     Inside was basically a giant job covention/fair, there were booths lined up along every wall showing off each of their products hoping to catch the eye of a potential buyer.

     The items for sale were not something you would see in a normal market and looked deadly and strange. Then that means this had to be the Black Market it was the only explanation for some of the sinister weapons they were selling.

     As I scan my surroundings, I then begin searching for a product that would require a little dirty work.

     I soon noticed a guy that "jocks" would describe as a "geek" and looked a little out of place, he had high-waisted pants with suspenders and a Polo-shirt, and large "nerd glasses", and what I would guess to be his product was in his hand, it was a gold USB port and the way he was holding made me think it was extremely valuable, and with that I pulled out my compact and checked my hair and makeup.

     My hair is a dark brown almost black and is dyed a ruby red at the ends like flames and I am wearing a black halter-neck dress, the skirt of the dress was a mini-skirt with a slit up the side-to show off my long legs-with a dark burgundy belt that sat in the middle of my stomach, I was also wearing knee-high high-heeled leather boots. When I finished examining my hair and makeup, I made my way over to the booth.


Sebastian Black

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Sebastian Black

     I watch as a striking girl in a black dress with a slit up the side and killer high heal leather boots, walk over to Gary's booth and start flirting with him. She was probably doing it for his USB.

     I know for a fact that he will never give it up no matter what the price is, and apparently she knew this too, so she amped up her flirting - it's always funny to see a guy fall for flirting and I speak from personal experience, so it was so funny to watch as Gary falls prey to it and get robbed at the same time!- as she does this she slowly slides the USB closer to her pocket, she then looks up to see if anyone is watching. We make eye contact. She flashes me a smile and dissappear into the crowd like smoke.



     Suddenly I feel a shove from behind. I immediately know who it is, it's my crazy ex-girlfriend Eursila Summer, she got all clingy and was afraid I was going to leave her so she decided kidnapped me and was now holding me hostage. Fantastic!

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