Chapter uno

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Dear Lennon,

Yup I named my diary Lennon from the Beatles got a problem with that? No? Good then this conversation is over. Allow me to introduce myself my name is Annabelle weird name right? My parents were probably high when they picked it. My mom is pretty spiritual and my dad is a total hippie talking about peace and shit.

My mom gave me this journal so I can write out my anger instead of expressing it through violence as my shrink says. I think she's on drugs too. When you first meet me you'll probably think I'll be a tattoo artist or a lesbian with my Mohawk and tattoos I have a tattoo of a clock, bird, a gun that has the number 21 on it and that's it. When really I'm interested in photography and rock music. Eh whatever people don't take me serious by my appearance, my aunts think I'm a failure, eh fuck them!! They probably gossip about each other without them even knowing!

Your probably wondering if I have friends aren't you? Just because I come off aggressive doesn't mean I'm a loner!!! If you didn't think that I applaud you, congrats your not an idiot. I have two friends a guy name Benny he's hot as hell but he's gay, nothing wrong with that he gets hate for it but hey love is love no doubt about it! Then there's Alice she is a cheerleader weird right? Secretly she loves rock music and goes to concerts all the time but she comes from a religious family so if they found out they will blow a fuse!!! So our friendship is kept secret...

I am an only child. My mom figured from the pain she went during labor with me she thinks its not bearable to go through again. My dad got upset with that. I like being an only child it's like no yelling no pestering no 'oh stop and create an example for your siblings' talk.

I'm 17 just if your wondering I will not tell you where I live incase your a rapist who loves to follow girls with Mohawks! Lets just say its not Antarctica.

Reader your probably wondering why I didn't throw out the diary in the first place. I didn't because I got bored the journal was there I started writing.

What I think about today's society is that people judge judge and yeah judge! Like with Benny if you see him with a guy an asshat (people in society) will judge him for it! If religious people(I'm not hating on them btw) saw the real Alice they would send her into a convent in a split second! If they saw me well they would think I'm emo which I'm not! I just love to experiment with new looks. You don't know how many people in my class asked me for weed! WEED!!!! They think I'm a stoner because of my looks!!! Again fucked up society we live in but no one wants to hear it from me! Im like the outcast in my town.

No one knows me like my mom does!! People lose hope in other people and its sad! Everybody thinks I'll end up in a jail cell or I'll start selling drugs that's why I have secret friendships!

I'm going to stop this entry here because my mom is bitching about how I didn't clean the parakeets cage!!!

Til next time Lennon

-fuck u Annabelle


AN- I hopes you liked it!!! I think it gives a look at how some people think of society! Annabelle is played by Hailey kiyoko look her up she was the girl from lemonade mouth Stella k? so anyways if u don't like swearing, who cares it's my story now I will update when I can so love ya!


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