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Dear Lennon,

Lets just say when mom told me that I would be seeing a shrink I freaked out. I thought only insane people went to shrinks. Now I find it relaxing my shrink Diana is awesome she doesn't judge whatsoever! Today my mom said I should see her because currently in her way she says 'I'm being mean to her' well what does she suspect! I love being an only child like what the fuck?! So now I'm in the passengers seat showing the finger to everyone outside who stares at my Mohawk. Shrink, sometimes I want to shrink in size.

"Hello Annabelle how are you?,"Diana asks I nod. "So I heard your mom is pregnant! How does that make you feel?" eww she was talking high again, with the hiiiiiiii Annabelle!!!! I roll my eyes in response sorry Lennon I didn't feel like talking at this point. "Upset, mad, sad, I know how you feel" then I exploded she maybe my shrink but she has five siblings!!! How the fuck will you understand my situation if you have five siblings that have a one year difference from you!! "Im sorry Diana but shut the fuck up! You have five other siblings and your the youngest one!!! So don't give me that shit that you understand this session is now over!" I walk out the door and I make sure to slam it hard to show how mad I am. Since I came out early I call Benny. He's coming to pick me up in ten minutes.

When Benny pulls up in his moms station wagon I sigh in relief finally a person that's sane!!!! "Yo Benny!" he laughs he thinks its weird when I say yo. "Nothing what's wrong? Why did you leave Diana so early?" I sigh,"She was being a total bitch!!!! And guess what my mom is pregnant and Alice little fucking innocent but not really innocent church girl got stupid and is now pregnant as well!" Benny falls silent. Shit I didn't know I was yelling but hey I was furious!! "Wow, I didn't know Alice had it in her I know she's a psycho but never did I expect her to you know do it!" I laugh Benny was to awkward for my likings.

I slam my front door closed. "Mom I'm home!" no answer yes I'm home alone!!! When I enter my room I nearly died my dad was redecorating my room blue!!! With baby furniture and they didn't even know the sex of the baby. "Dad what the fuck are you doing to my room there is no other rooms for me to live in you know!!," I scream like where was I suppose to sleep the couch, hell no! "watch your mouth Annabelle! The baby needs its space talk to your mother about this," my dad always said that 'talk to your mother about this!' he's kidding right! "Where is my stuff then?" I heard him say garage I groaned. I ran down the stairs to the garage I find all my posters, clothes, and my piano!! I start packing up.

I knock on Benny's door. "What are you doing here Anna?," he yawns. "Dude could I live with you? My parents stole my room for the fucking baby there having!," he motions me to come in. I always loved Benny's house its so warm plus he has a piano!! " What a coincidence Alice was just here she's taking the other guest room we just got another bed there so you both can crash together," shit Alice is here!!! I nod and I walk to the bedroom. Alice is rubbing her non big tummy pft little pregnant girl. "hey" I say for some reason I don't have the energy to be the regular bitch that I am. "Good I've been pregnant for two weeks and I already gained five pounds!!" I roll my eyes and unpack. "Hey why are you crashing here anyway your not pregnant!" I laugh. "dude my mom is she fucking using my room for her unborn gender less baby!!" "Wow tough break, did you know I found out who the baby's father is! Well I didn't need to go to the Maury's show but I found out its Vincent!!" what the fuck how did Vincent the schools asshat get that close to Alice the girl who's life is barricaded! "What the hell Vincent is horrible why?" she shrugs. "I was bored ok plus my little friend was calling him!!!," she sticks her tongue out! "What? you need to control your friend!" she laughs and turns to go to sleep. I turn to and let myself fall asleep.

I wake up. Gosh why the hell did Alice not use protection!!! I knew how to get my parents back!! I rode my bike down to the pharmacy and buy pack of condoms and pamphlets about safe sex!! I go to my old house and walk in yes no one is home! I start with the living room I dump ten condoms on the couch since they could do it there ew! I then put the pamphlets on the counter. I walk into the babies room and I dump twenty condoms in the babies crib! hah shows them what happens when you don't use protection! I then go to their room and I dump it all on the bed!!! Satisfied I walk out. My work here is done.

Lennon if only I can find a person like you!!

Save me from this planet of weirdos!! let Alice be a virgin again!!

Til next time Lennon

Fuck you



AN: so I had fun writing this chapter!!! oh my god ok so I change my mind Alice is played by Cara Delvigne you know the model. and Benny is Darren Chris and Diana is played by Emma stone!!! tthoughts




Love ya always, Ashley

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