Dear Lennon,
I'm in jail, if you were alive would you bail me out? Probably if you knew the story.
It all started when..
Flashback,,ooooh spooky shit!!
"Ok so the plan is we go an egg Alison's asshat of a neighbor ok Seth?," I ask just to make sure Seth who's playing flappy birds. He looks up and nods showing me the eggs.
"Great lets head out!," I whoop and we go next door. Alison and Louis were out, Alice and Phoebe were talking new baby names, and Niall was out probably making out with Luke.
We start throwing the eggs four at once at the house. Seth is taking cover for me. I see a light, shit. We run except the guy did some ninja shit and made it in front of me, and I thought I was fast?! He pins me down.
"Get off of her!," Seth yells tackling the dude. Next thing ya know the cops are here questioning me and Seth.
"Move," the fucking cop says I move to the left holding the fucking information plate.
"You can only make one call!," he says. Me and Seth then found ourselves in a jail cell.
Flashback over
So that's what happened Lennon pretty much, Seth right now is looking through my purse trying to find my phone, stupid ass doesn't know they confiscated it.
"Hey lets call pizza delivery!," I say trying to cheer him up.
"Shut the hell up," he says.
"Fine," I say and call my mom.
"What did you do now Annabelle!," my mom bellows, sheesh bitch much?
"Me and Seth are in jail the address is maple drive forty five street don't ask why bye!," I hang up quickly.
"My mom is coming to pick us up," I say proud of myself for being so 'responsible'.
"Was she pissed?," he asks.
"Lets just say she'll have us hanging by our necks so I suppose we find a way out, my mom can't afford to go to jail," I say.
"Already found one look at the duct vents," he says pointing at the air vent. I nod.
"Help me up," I say and lift myself on his shoulders.
"Shit you way!," he hisses.
"Shut the fuck up what about you eating all that peanut butter?!," I snap at him. I can't believe I'm doing this first I'm in jail now I'm breaking out. How bad ass of me, when really I slip and fell on Seth's back.
"Ouch!," he cries out.
"Shhhh sorry that you have no upper body strength!," I hiss at him, I might as well be a snake.
"Fine come up," he says. This time I actually make it up, and since Seth isn't short like me, he is able to get up to.
"Shit I'll get claustrophobic in here!!" Seth complains, I kick him.
"Shit," he hisses. So much hissing from the both of us that were like to pairs of rattlesnakes.
"Hey I see a light!!" I say.
"Haha your seeing the light can't believe your dying so soon Annabelle," Seth says being corny as hell.
"Shut the fuck up for real come!!" I say kicking the air vent, of course all of those self defense classes and me beating the shit out of Rachel every class.
"Ok," Seth says, and climbs out and into the parking lot, I follow.
"Ok now run!," I say when I see the beefy security guard running towards us walkie talkie in hand. Seth know I have short decent legs so he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and continues running until we run into my dad.
"Well have I ever!" my mom says wagging a finger at me.
"Yeah yeah I know," I say, the fucking pep talks she gives me.
"That was so Bonnie and Clyde!," Alice says.
"Pfft sure it was," I say.
Well Lennon the cops got us again thanks to my dad, he got us out and we came home to my mother the dragon.
Don't ever try this at home kids, also the police almost charged me for prostitution because my outfit was of ripped jeans and a hoodie with no shirt under, sorry I didn't know. And they thought Seth was a costumer. Thats fucking disgusting so Seth held me back from letting myself speak.
Again don't ever ever try this at home kids.
So Lennon your probably upset with me, sorry. so I guess til next time.
Fuck the popo YOLO is for bitches, which is me hahah see what I did there!
Fuck you, Annabelle
P.S-popo can't shut us down, you be my Clyde ill be your Bonnie simple as that
An- ya know everywhere my character goes trouble finds its way there so that's why I wrote this chapter! again thank you so much for one hundred reads also I will not be updating tomorrow I have a party to attend okie dokie
Also next weekend I'll be dying my ends purple bye bye brown ends!!!
So ya VCF
Fucking follow
Love ya ashie

Let it be
Teen FictionLook through the eyes of a girl who's opinion on life in the teenage world, stereotypes, bullies, and oh yeah the music Annabelle Oliver- she is incredibly loud, outspoken, cursing sailor, and many more things. Go on the journey of senior year in hi...