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Dear Lennon,

I am mad. Not like a one time mad, a hatred type of mad. I was definitely going to hand Vincent's scrawny ass on a silver platter, if that makes sense I got this from some dumbass book.

"Asshat how fucking dare you do that to Alice! Alice she is fucking pregnant because of what you did," I said pinning him to the ground and smacking him.

"Bitch get the fuck off me! Remember we have to go to that bum ass middle school, and I want to live," he says pushing me off. Asshat.

We go to the middle school. Kids are kissing, smoking, everything.

We walk into a classroom which appears to be in session.

"Hello, kids I want you to treat Mr. dean and Ms. Oliver with respect ok,' she says sternly, what a pansy.

"Ok do any of you kids have questions?," I ask bored as hell.

A kid in the back row raises his hand. I nod.

"What's wrong with your fucking hair?!," he asks see even at a young age they curse.

"Well first of all watch your fucking mouth" Vincent pokes at me I back away," and two I like my hair like this I only flat it out if necessary," I say.

Another kid points at Vincent and asks," hey I know you! your the one who got my cousin pregnant and your her best friend!," she says pointing at me. I remember her, her name is Jolene and she comes from a poor family considering the rich family they can lean on for support.

"Yup I guess I am," he gulps and stares at me knowing how I whooped his ass earlier.


"Ok before you beat me up again I have to say I feel horrible about what I did to Alice and I'm making up for it by paying for my child's bills and I will be in his or she's life," he admitted. Wow it takes a lot of balls for a guy to say that.

"I can see you grew some balls Dean," I say using his last name. He nods to his car.

"Fuck no, not in that death trap!," I screech, Vincent sucks his teeth.

"Don't be a bitch just get in or I'll leave you alone!," he threatens on second thought I hate this school so I get in the passengers seat.

"So what you going to name the baby when it's born asshat?," I say my anger slowly dying down.

"If its a boy, Nikolai and if its a girl I don't know it's Alice's choice, Vanessa," I nod pretty names. We ride home in silence.


"Alice in pregnant land where the fuck are you?," I scream. Seth walks in putting a finger to his lips telling me to shut up.

"What's wrong Seth?," I ask.

"Dude my parents are sleeping!," he whispers.

"Oops where's Alice?," I ask.

"Appointment," he mumbles. Ok poor thing people will be poking her and questioning her.

"Kay so I'm bored," I say. Seth smiles and walks up stairs and comes back down with both of our boards.

"Let's go," he says grabbing his coat and his keys, I mimic his moves and we head out.

"Lets sing to the neighborhoods how about that Seth?," I ask. Me and Seth besides Alice are practically family.

"Sure!," he says. We then belt out the lyrics to 'twenty one guns,' by Green day, awesome band my readers. When were done we take turns pushing each other down a hill.

"Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiit," I scream hurdling down a hill. Am I scared? shitless. Do I give a flaming fuck? Hell to the no!

I feel free and actually my age at this moment. No trial. No pregnancy. I realize how Alice must feel, not being able to live. Seth out of all his siblings actually knows how to hide his sins.

Right now were boarding home singing 'teenagers' by My Chemical Romance. I got to say Seth is pretty amazing at singing. If he wasn't Alice's brother I would date him.

"Thanks for the outing Seth!," I yell running up the stairs.

I change into my pjs and fall into a deep sleep.

Ok Lennon I had an interesting day! next month is November so yay can't wait for thanksgiving, all that food,!

Fuck innocence, Annabelle

P.S people tend to grow up to fast to realize what's fun right in front of them.


AN-Alo my people so I hope you love this chapter I am also updating just a back up so fangirl on!

Ok so Seth Alice's brother is played by Dave Franco swoon

And Vincent the asshat is played by I don't know check next update!!!!!!!!!!

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