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Dear Lennon,

Remember my visit to the hospital due to my bruises and scars. Well I'm getting my crutches today and its my second birthday.

Yup I have two birthdays because my mom doesn't remember when I was born, she thinks it was either today or January twenty fifth. Doesn't matter I'm turning eighteen today so that's good. I hear someone bang on the door and Alice mutters some profanities before telling me to go get it. Well she hasn't even told me happy birthday yet sadly.

I get up nonetheless and open the door to see Seth holding my crutches, I reach to get them.

"Anything you want to say to me?," I ask, I'm hoping he wishes me a happy birthday.

"Yeah breakfast is ready," he says and goes downstairs. I groan and sit on my bed and open the box to reveal the crutches. I stand up and position myself. I struggle down the stairs though. I call Alison to tell her that its my birthday and she doesn't answer.

"Hi Annabelle," mom says while she's flipping pancakes, I eat toast instead, if your not going to wish me a happy birthday why bother eating your food?

"Hey," I shrug and eat my sad syrup less toast.

"Don't you want a pancake?." she asks, she is such a dumbass. I look at the wall clock above the kitchen entrance, it's 9:39 I have time to myself to celebrate.

"Nope lost my appetite," I push my toast away and go upstairs. Alice is brushing her hair. I wave.

"Hey you could you do me a favor and hand me that book?," she asks pointing at her book, I sigh and give it to her. Why is everybody forgetting my birthday? They even forgot the first one.

I go shower bringing my clothes with me, I change into jeans and a Beatles shirt. I put my hair in a Mohawk. I walk out and put my boots on. I grab maydays leash and grab my skateboard, mayday comes with me when I go outside.

Some birthday I'm having.


I'm at a diner celebrating by myself and its 3:35 pm. Ruth the owner brings me the cake with the already lit candles. I give her a fake smile she frowns at my crutches and skateboard realizing that there not the best combo.

"Happy birthday to me," I close my eyes and make a wish before blowing out the candles. Ruth hands me coke, a plate and fork. I eat my slice of cake in silence, mayday is resting at my feet. I pay the bill and get out to head home.

I open the door slamming it, I've had enough I'm confronting them. I go to the living room. I see my mom in there.

"How could you forget my birthday like that?!," I yell tears streaming down my face. She smiles, smiles.

"What?," I ask. People pop up from behind the couch, Seth, Alice, the whole McCartney family including my grandfather. The last time someone gave me a surprise party they surprised me when I opened the door and due to my reflexes I punched them in the face. The person who surprised me threw me the best sixteen ever and his name was, Benny.

"Happy birthday," they all shout, great they got the dog in on it too since mayday starts barking. I am not the type to accept surprises after the one last birthday but this was a pretty damn good surprise, Benny made it obvious that he was throwing me a party.

"I hate all of you," I chuckle and I wipe my tears away, they all come in for a group hug. When we pull apart my mom tells me where the party is.

"It's at the beach so get dressed honey your an adult!," she squeals with glee. I kiss they're cheeks and I go upstairs to change, I put shorts over my bikini and a sweatshirt on. I grab my crutches sadly I won't be able to swim.

Once we've came to the beach I sit next to Alice enjoying company and Seth and mayday sit next to me.

"I feel bad that your in crutches," Alice says. " Now you can't go swimming"

"Dumb ass teacher is ruining my vibe," I mumble. I squint to look at the ocean but at the corner of my eye I see a couple of guys from the county jail picking up trash, Benny could be one of them.

"Well shit," I said loud enough for them to hear. The fuck, did I just see Benny's black hair?

"What's wrong?." Seth asks squeezing my hand.

"I think I saw Benny," I say and I steal Alice's glasses for a moment to check, I look in that direction and surely enough it's Benny doing community service. Letting my curiosity get the best of me I stand up with my crutches and I walk toward my ex-best friend.

"Annabelle come back!," Seth shouts and he stands up to come walk with me.

"Why are you walking with me?." I ask and I bump shoulders with him, I see Benny coming closer to view.

"So that asshole doesn't touch you," he growled. He ran his fingers through his hair. Im so close to Benny it's scary I look at the guard to see if I can talk to him, I know what your saying oh god don't do it! But I'm sorry my curiosity is taking over. The guard nods. I tap Benny on the shoulder and he turns around showing his face.

"Annabelle?," he asks squinting at me and Seth. His eyes land on Seth the longest, shit he's out for my boyfriend. Seth grabs my free hand.

"Benny," I whisper, Benny has a pained expression painted on his face when he sees my crutches.

"So why are you talking to me? Sorry if that came off rude but last time I checked you sent me to jail," he snapped at me. I stepped back.

"I got curios because today's my birthday and I see you and," I lose my words because I'm on the verge of crying but I suck in my tears.

"Ok I see Alice over there and your mom, and Seth and what's up with that?," he whispers trying to converse with me. I stare at my cast before looking up again.

"Alice is 7 months and so is my mom, Alice's baby is a boy and my moms a girl, Seth and I are a..," I'm sorry Im not used to the word couple it sounds weird. Seth wraps an arm around my waist that makes Benny smile, he always wanted me to have a boyfriend.

"A couple," Seth finishes my sentence.

"And I though you'd die a virgin" he chuckled softly.

"Annabelle what are you doing get back here!," I hear my mom call for me, I send Benny a apologetic smile before walking back.

"I thought you hated the dude," Seth whispers. I look up at him.

"I do but I can't fight as you can see," I say gesturing to my crutches. It's getting dark and I see my birthday cake with a little candle on it. I sit behind the table and they all sing happy birthday, I start crying since my grandma couldn't see me grow up.

"This is a fucked up day aint it?." I ask laughing. I blow out the candles.

I wish I can learn to forgive

So I'm an adult now Lennon, cool right?

I'm trying to stay away from the alcohol though, bad shit.

Till next time John or Lennon whichever floats your boat

I'm an adult, Annabelle

P.S-mayday almost ate my entire cake


AN-so hey it's her birthday and mines is coming in fourteen days!! Motherfuckers!!! so she saw Benny she talked to him, thoughts but please don't hate me.....

Ok yeah awkward VCF





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