Oh baby

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Dear Lennon,

It's that day. The day in which Alice has a baby shower. I just found out right now gaping at the circled date on Seth's calendar. We were currently watching a movie when that date crossed my mind.

"I never knew it would be today," I mention to Seth and he chuckles and wraps an arm around me.

"Well now you know, we have to be there in two hours with the gifts," he said, Alice and both our parents and the kids went to the venue first leaving me and Seth to bringing the gifts. Oh and guess what?! No more fucking crutches for me!!!!

"Damn we got the shitty job, that is complete and utter bullshit," I mumble as I watch Saw for the fifth time in the morning, it's currently 12:45 and we have to be there by 2:00 since the baby shower starts at 3:00.

"Shush Annie, you volunteered," he said and I groan hiding my face into his neck.

"Yeah but I didn't know that we would have to carry stuff! Damn you know how lazy I get!," I half yell.

"I say we get ready now its now 12:55 so get your lazy ass off my bed and get ready," he ordered me and I smack his arm and I get up to get ready. I shower first before putting on the outfit I was to wear. I walk down the stairs finally and I meet up with Seth who is holding half of the gifts and I take the rest as we place them in the back of his jeep. I slide into the passenger seat.

"I hate Sundays," I groan and Seth turns the engine on and we're on the road.

"Don't say that when we get there please, remember Sunday is holy day and I forgot to go to church today, shit," he mumbles the last part to himself.

"I can't believe Alice is even pregnant,". I think out loud. I kick my feet upon the dashboard.

"Yeah when we first heard the news my dad blew a fuse and then when my parents were in that 'i hate Annabelle campaign' they got even more furious when they heard she was with you," he says.

"Good that they love me now, wait a sec is that a taco bell?!." I shout when one comes to view and Seth freaks out pressing on the brakes sending me to double over in my seat.

"You scared me Annie," he says breathlessly and I smirk and he goes to the drive thru and he places out order of burritos.

"Aren't we going to eat at the baby shower?." he asks while we wait. Alice decided to have dietary food for her baby shower because she wants to be skinny before and after birth, in other words complete and utter torture.

"I don't want to eat dietary foods," I groan and he realizes to when he grimaces before idling up to where we get out food. As we leave I complain about the lack of legginess and height I have.

"Annabelle 5'5 isn't short and your legs are long stop it." he groans as he slaps my bare calf which makes me wince. I glare at him and we eat in silence and after that and twenty minutes after Seth is drifting off into sleep and I ask him to pull over.

"Why Annie?," he asks tiredly and I smile before kissing him awake.

"Let me drive your sleeping," I mutter and he gives in and we switch places and we get back on the road, me driving one handed, I got my license when I was fifteen and I was a natural my teacher told me.

"How do you drive one handed?," Seth asks. I switch hands and I rest my other hand in my lap.

"I am a naturally good driver Seth, please do not question my bad-ass attitude," I say softly and he laughs and he sees a car for a moment before punching me.

"PUNCH BUGGY NO LICENSE!", He yells and punches me again making me lean a bit.

"Don't do that you dick!," I say through gritted teeth. I was a good driver but gosh.

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