Should i?

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Dear Lennon,

Benny has been sending me voice mail messages since last night saying he's sorry he is his complaints.

Voicemail#1-"Annabelle I want to say that I was drunk off my ass last night it was an accident you know I would never hurt you!"

Voicemail#2-"Anna pick up the fucking phone we need to talk!"

Voicemail#3-"I honestly don't know why I did what I did please call me back!"

When my mom told my dad what happened he flipped! He was this close to whooping Benny's little sorry ass to the curb but we stopped him from doing so.

I still haven't made my decision whether I want to press charges against Benny. Next time he calls I'm answering to give him a piece of my mind. Like fucking magic the phone rings I pick it up.

"Oh thank god! Anna what I did last night was unforgivable but please understand...," he started I cut him off.

"Bitch you fucking raped me! To think you were my friend you've been drunk around me before but not once have you ever did this to me! Never your lucky I didn't kick your balls to hard! Your very lucky that my dad didn't beat your sorry ass!," I say and before he can answer I hang up on him.

The front door opens and in walks pregnant little Alice.

"Hey I heard what happen so I thought I might cheer you up by me coming over to hang out!," she says cheekily. Wow she can look the mother part with her sweatpants sweatshirt and slippers. I nod.

"I just felt disgusted Alice Benny is like on the top of the list of the people I despise now!," which was true I kept a list. Alice sighed and told me my answer to all my problems.

"File a report"


I was at the police station with my mom, dad, and Alice. My hand wobbled while I wrote the report. People were whispering and pointing at my Mohawk and I pointed my middle finger at them. Ha take that!

"Are you sure Annabelle?," my mom said holding my hand. I nod. Benny hurt me.

The police said that they would have to talk to Benny and keep him at the jail to have him be evaluated. Whatever the fuck that meant I only watched one episode of Cops. I knew what I did was right.

Lennon please save me from this fucking planet where bimbos and fake people and asshats Rome the earth!


I has piano class today. I was so happy because well that's the only thing that had nothing to do with the police. Or babies.

Today we had to perform a song. My song was Let It Be by The Beatles.

I sat myself down on the piano bench and began belting out the lyrics to the best song ever.

When I find myself in times of trouble mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom, let it be

And in my hour of darkness

She is standing right in front of me speaking words of wisdom, let it be

Let it be, let it be whispers words of wisdom, let it be

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be for thought the may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer, let it be

Let it be, let it be there will be an answer let it be

Let it be, let it be whisper words of wisdom let it be

Let it be, let it be whisper words of wisdom let it be

And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me. Shines until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Let it be, let it be, there will be an answer let it be

Let it be, let it be whispers words of wisdom let it be

I finish my song everyone is staring at me. Wondering why I didn't choose a rock song well since I love you Lennon I chose this song. Everyone knows what happened to me. They know what Benny did so they come and hug me usually I would push them away but right now I really needed a hug.

I call my mom to come pick me up.

"So how was piano?," she asks rubbing her baby belly.

"Fine we got to perform," I say. I didn't have that much of an angelic voice that Alice says I have when I sing.

"I heard your teacher called me to tell me that you have an amazing talent," she gushes. I roll my eyes. I shrug to tell her that I don't want to talk and I plug my head phones on and let once more you Lennon your melodic voice fill my head.

Once we get home my mom has news.

"We're moving!," she says putting her hands in a jazz hands formation as if to say, 'ta da' what the freaking fuck?

"Where the hell are we moving to!," I yell.

"Don't use that tone with me! Were not leaving town just that we'll be next door neighbors with the McCartney family!," she says knowing that I'm friends with one of them. The house next to the McCartney house has four bedrooms and three bathrooms so were pretty lucky!!

"Wow," I have nothing else to say I have to go to the police station tomorrow to retell my story to the judge because the trial starts in Monday and today is Friday I missed five days of school great!

I say goodnight to my parents and head back to the living room. I wonder how Benny is going through this dumb ass process. I imagine him in jail because of me. He made the most dumb ass decision trying to rape me like that. His parents have been contacted of the trial and surprisingly supporting me instead of there son.

Oh well Lennon save me from all this madness I'm only seventeen I'm never drinking again!

Love ya most Lennon

Night and bye bye Benny

Let it be, Annabelle


I tend to remember the bad things so I can use them as a reminder that good things do happen in this world.


..AN-so you guys I found the chapter interestingly fun to write and how do you feel about all this I never ever have watched an episode of Cops so don't ask me. I put my favorite Beatles song let it be because it ties to the story and the title. in all the ps in her diary I put wisdom stuff and stuff that some people can relate to you know. also I love the song

Also I want to dedicate this chapter to @Joncobain

So ya know what to do VCF





love ya to bits


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