Valentines day

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Dear Lennon,

It's the day of love as they say. Last entry I couldn't even finish my mom said that I better be social so she took my diary away right now I'm writing on a napkin.

Like I said me and Seth are planning a party for singles, sluts and all that jazz.

"So do we have what we need?," I ask Seth.

"Yeah Alice said she'll take the young ones to some place and I got the food and drinks," he says.

"Will there be beer?," my face lights up.

"No Anna only five you easily get hammered," Seth says.

"Fine be a prick help me get the word out though ok?," I say and I hop up on to the counter and go on my Facebook page.

Hey so if your single, not single, friends of benefits type of person come to this party, there will be beer, beer pong, keg stands and all that good stuff no children allowed!!

I show Seth for approval. He looks at it like its infected.

"What's wrong with it?," I ask.

"Keg stand?," he asks. They have keg stand in the basement that belongs to his father from ya know his 'golden years'.

"Yeah I want to try it out plus don't people love those?," I ask.

"Yeah frat boys," Seth scoffs but goes down to the basement to get the keg stand. He comes back and places it in the middle of the living room.

"Perfect," I say and I put the beers in the cooler.


People come piling in and the music is cranked up. STDS came in heading straight to the bathroom nasty people and the bedroom. I try the keg stand and it's amazing.

I see a couple of people grinding against furniture. My mind says I'll have to burn the furniture sadly.

I want to play beer pong badly.

"Seth want to play beer pong with me?," I ask and me and Seth go against two other people. We win five times. I head over to drink two beers in a row.

"Annabelle don't over do it!," Seth says in my ear.

"I won't I can control myself I'm fine," I say drinking three more in the process. I feel like vomiting yup I have to vomit. I run up the stairs and head into the first bathroom I see when I enter two kids are doing it.

"Get the fuck out!," I yell and they leave running picking up their clothes.

I vomit all the contents that were in my stomach. I feel a hand on my back.

"You ok?," Seth asks.

"No," I gasp out my throat is dry as hell. Seth goes to bring me ginger ale.

"I'm going to end the party here," he says and leaves without saying a word.

"Sup bitch," Vincent comes through the door when Seth leaves.

"What the hell are you doing here?," I grunt. Shit that keg stand did some trouble.

"Seth told me to watch you!" he says defensively and sits on the edge of the bath tub.

"Your not my baby sitter asshat," I say.

"Whatever, so did Alice tell you the sex of her baby?," he asks. I did know she told me it was a boy and my mom said hers was a girl, great another fuck up in the process.

"Yup boy," I smile and vomit again.

"Gross," he mutters.

"Shut the...!" I start.

"The fuck up yeah what a routine Oliver," he says sarcastically.

Seth comes back panting.

"Let me guess they didn't want to leave?," I ask chuckling before vomiting again.

"Yup," he says before kneeling down to my level.

"I feel like shit," I gulp. I can tell my eyes are bloodshot from Seth's observation face.

"You look like shit to," Vincent chuckles still here.

"Get the fuck out!," I yell. Seth rubs my back and tells me to go to sleep.

Now I know why I need help.

Lennon help me

Till next time Lennon

I am hammered, Annabelle

P.S-I drown myself in my weakness


AN-yellow my ppl so for some reason wattpad is being a bitch to me and my updates like last update so sorry my ppl.

I luv ya all VCF





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