The Swear Jar

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*As you may know Let it Be has mild or adult language as you may say, so in this chapter I took up the challenge of not cursing whatsoever, well only these ones are allowed:

•shut up



And thats it no others at all and hell is suitable to.

So onto the challenge who do u think will go a day or two without cursing?




•Calum(yeah hes still there)

Ok now lets begin this chapter!


Dear Lennon,

Do you ever wonder how you would be as a person if you were the opposite of yourself. I do. I picture the opposite of myself as this good girl who listens to Opera music, who doesn't speak up, who never ever curses, like ever, even shut up is a sin to her.

I am stressing the topic of changing but if I was to change I'd give up my temper, for it is short.

Your probably surprised that I haven't cursed in the first three sentences aren't you? Well it all started this morning.

/flashback.....ooh spooky!!/

"FAMILY MEETING!," mom yelled from the kitchen, where most meetings were held. I being one of the young ones ran in with the stampede of the McCartney children and we piled into our seats, most of us on the floor.

"Yes mom," I say dryly.

"We've noticed that some of you kids have been using vulgar language, Annabelle, Seth, Alice were onto you three," she starts. I roll my eyes.

"So we have came up with a challenge, the person who goes a day without or the least curses will win a prize, and if you do swear, since you all have allowances, you will put a dollar in the swear jar," she said showing an empty cheese doodle jar with 'SWEAR JAR' written in sharpie.

"F**k," Alice yelps and her mom raises an eyebrow and points at the jar and Alice shrugs and fishes into her purse and takes out a dollar dropping it into the jar. Damn they weren't joking.

/flashback ended/

So here I am trying not to get mad. Because when I'm mad I swear a ton. And when I mean a ton thats just the top of the iceberg.

Also tomorrow night is the football game and Seth wanted me to learn. True I played this in Anger Management but I never understood the terms. I just liked tackling people.

So we were on the front yard. Football in his hand. Me sitting under the shade and Alice watching us from the porch.

"Well Annabelle, ready to learn," he says and I smirk.

"Sure but if that football comes at my face I will not hesitate to beat you up," I say biting my tongue from cursing, I push myself off the tree and I make my way over to him.

"Alright Annie, so when throwing the football make sure it spins ," he says handing the ball over to me and I mentally curse in my head.

"I'm not athletic," I mumble.

"Lies, karate and track now back up and pass it to me," he says and I huff and I walk back a bit and I squint at Seth before throwing the football which lands on his feet.

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