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Dear Grandma,

I've been camping out in my room for three days eating nothing. I miss you desperately and I regret not telling Alison I don't even know if she's coming to your funeral. Seth you know Seth he and I are going out and he's been knocking on my door constantly sliding food under my door, Alice little Alice who could pop any second continually knocked on my door and she slid me letters.

I go look in the mirror and I gasp at what I see. My pink hair that used to shine has faded, my hazel eyes dull poop brown eyes, and I looked skeletal and it's only been three days.

I hear a knock on the door.

"If its Alice in pregnant land go the fuck away, if its you Seth I love you buy go away," I say throwing a pillow at the door curling up into a ball.

The door opens and in walks my cousin Alison.

"I will not fuck off bitch and I'm not Seth or Alice," she says and I instantly grin, well ain't she fearless. In rare situations I hug people and this would be this moment and I run and hug my number one cousin.

"Alison," I whisper and I break into sobs. I can't begin to tell you how much crying I've done these days. I regret not calling Alison about your death believe me I regret it terribly.

Once I decide to let her go she sits down on my bed.

"Hey," she says. I give her a little smile and push my hair out of my face. She looks like she's mourning too. Her orange hair is sticking out in every direction, her green eyes are red like mine and she looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep.

"How have you been holding up?," she asks tears coming down again.

"Life is really fucked up, Ali. I loved her more than anything and they just took her away from me." I gulp before continuing. "I write to Lennon each day and its not helping much," I used Lennon as a support when I was sad grandma aren't I sane. "I don't even want to go to her funeral tonight, Ali. I can't except the fact that she's not here anymore and she's dead," I finish and Alison pats me on the back and her sudden outburst surprises me.

"I know how you feel Anna. I know that dad and Juliet are going through the same thing but I can't. I feel they don't know how I feel. I enclosed myself from my parents but we got to stay strong," she says and she sticks her hand out for me to pull myself up.

"Louis, Juliet, and my dad are here in case you want to say hi," she says and she walks down the stairs, I following behind. Seth's eyes look like they're about to pop about my existence and Alice has dropped her phone. I give them both a small smile before going to the kitchen.

"Buddy," I squeal and run to hug my uncle or Alison's dad.

I then hug Louis and Juliet who may I say has grown an inch or two.

"Come get lunch," my mom yells and the other McCartney family come in.

We all eat in silence my grandpa is at the funeral home getting the final preparations ready for the service.

"When does the funeral start?," Alice asks resting her head on my shoulder. I pat her tummy.

"At four its two right now so when everybody's done eating go and get ready," my uncle says. I am the first to be done and I drop my plate in the sink and I kiss my moms cheek and dads and I hug Seth before we go into separate rooms to change.

Seth and Louis go to the guest room to change and me, Juliet, Alison, and Alice go change in our room. Alison is dressed in a black dress that has some white ribbon on it and lets her short orange hair out. Juliet is wearing a black skirt and a nice white dress shirt and some ridiculously high heels. Alice since she's pregnant really pregnant has to wear a long black dress and has her hair down. I change into something that I found dying in my closet a Lacey black dress with my converse since I don't fucking want blisters.

I'm the first one done changing so I go downstairs to see the boys, Louis nods and Seth smiles.

"Sup," I say to both of them.

"Both of you don't say sorry please," I say before they can say sorry for your death. Death ain't that just a sad word?

"We weren't just you look pretty," Seth says and pulls me to his side which makes Louis wince as if he was in pain strangely. I had a little makeup on a mascara that you gave to me, Alison forced me to put red lipstick on and I had eye shadow on. I guess I was pretty. I see my cousins and Alice coming down, hmmm maybe I can set Alice with Louis since Louis is great with children surprisingly.

We all pile into two cars and we head to the funeral parlor.


When we get there I see cousins that I've never met before. Shit how many children did you have grams?

Many people make speeches and the next person to make a speech is me.

(Speech may sound different from what my friend portrayed it to be)

" Grandma to me was like an older version of myself." people laugh. " She was an outspoken person and even though she's gone I can still hear her nagging at me. I got my personality from her I believe the cursing and shit sorry children. I remember going every summer to her lake house with Alice, Alison, and Juliet my two gingers. What is there else to say but grams I love you to the moon and back thanks for introducing me to The Beatles which is why I'm obsessed with John Lennon and I was listening to your favorite song just the other day you know the song uh Yesterday By The Beatles I'm sorry but it makes me cry like a bitch every time I hear it now well I love you grams," I finish wiping my tears and the cheer and I head down and give Alison the chance to speak.

"I have a song to sing dedicated to you grams," she says and starts singing. (Go to cupcakegirl91 collaboration and the song will be there) I recognize the song from Five Seconds of Summer.

When she's done we close the casket I actually remember you dancing around in your bathrobe at five in the morning dancing to come together and I have that image stuck in my head.


Alison and Juliet are staying here for a week and today we decided to go down to Miami beach to light some lanterns for you. Seth is driving and he is ticking me off.

"Seth weren't you suppose to make a left not a right?," I ask him changing the shitty radio station.

"No I'm sure look there it is Miami beach." he points at the sign. I face palm at my stupidity.

We spend the day up until seven o'clock playing games like volleyball, laughing at me and Seth's stupidity, Louis and Alice's baby stuff, and eating pizza. Once it's seven o'clock and the sun starts to set we all lay down on the blankets and towels we brought with us. Stupid teenagers we are grandma. We get up and hold our lanterns up high and we all say 'love you gram!,' and on a count of three we let our lanterns drift off into the sky.

When it gets darker we lay down on the blankets and stare up into the sky. A shooting star passes by.

"Hey guys look a shooting star make a wish," Louis says pointing at the star.

I close my eyes and make my wish.

I wish I can stay like this forever


Dedicated to my dad who's up there in heaven love ya pops


AN-so remember when I said the story will end at thirty chapters well its not it will end when they all graduate high school. also I did this collaboration again with my amazingly wonderful friend

Cupcakegirl91 Alison, Juliet, and Louis are her characters check out her stories she is amazing!!

Also thank you guys for almost two hundred reads on this book!!






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