Judgement Day

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Dear Lennon,

Today is the day of Benny's trial. He was restricted if contacting me til the trial ends. To be honest I was shaking. I don't want to go through with this.

"Honey go and flat out your Mohawk!," my mom barks at me. We had two hours to get ready the trial started by then. I gulped what? Flat out my Mohawk is she crazy!

"Mom I'm not going to flat out this mane!!" I say petting my hair.

" They're going to think your prostitute now get your ass in the bathroom and flatten your Mohawk now!," I knew not to mess with mom. For a pregnant lady she was vicious.

"Ugh fine!," I give up I have to look 'presentable'. I am forced to change into a red dress with some dumbass heels which I trip in when I walk.

"Oh how beautiful!!" Alice and my mom gush over me like its prom and not like we're going to a trial. Alice is here for moral support. Like my mom she is moody and can be a bitch. I remember one time she poked her tummy and said 'hey little shit get the fuck out if me!' oh well I shrug there complements and walk towards my moms SUV.

"Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?," the guy with the bible says I swear and put my hand on it.

"So could you tell us again Ms. Oliver what happened the night of October 21?," the guy with the pansy looking suit asks.

"Ok on that night Benny over there went with me to a rock concert. There was drinking involved. I stayed sober since I was the one who be driving, Benny on the other hand was drunk." I pause to look into the crowd Benny is crying. Asshat. I continue.

"And when we got into the car he was touching my thigh various times. I told him to stop but he didn't and he kept saying his excuse was that he's gay. I pulled over and he hugged me. When we pulled up in his driveway he forced himself on me and pinned my down kissing me and I struggled so as in self defense I kicked him in his balls." the jury snickers. "I then locked him in his car so he won't follow me."

"Ok thank you. Now has Benny ever been drunk around you before? And has he ever acted the same?," he asks.

I gulp, "Yup and that's what scared me he never ever has acted that way around me when he was drunk," I say.

"Thank you that is all Ms. Oliver," he says.

"I call Benny Alexander jr. to the stands please," the judge says.

Benny is dressed in slacks. He swears to tell the truth and for a second he stares at me.

"Ok Mr. Alexander what Ms. Oliver said was true yes?," he ask. Benny better say yes that rapist.

"Yes sir," he said.

"Ok and if according to your sexuality why did you force yourself on Ms. Oliver?," he asks questioningly. Good lawyer I had.

"I say it was the alcohol talking sir," he says. Bum ass.

"Sir have you ever acted this away around Ms. Oliver?," he asks.

"No sir, never I guess I through myself at her because I wanted pleasure," he chokes out.

"Thought so now let the jury make there decision you may return to your seat," he nods, Benny walks out.

"The jury has made there decision!," the judge says slamming his gavel on the desk.

"Benny Alexander jr. for molesting Miss Annabelle Marlie Angeline Savannah Oliver you are sentenced five years in jail and one year serving community service case closed," he slams his gavel. From his seat Benny is being pulled away.

"Anna what the hell! I will get you for this!," he screams. Sure he will. I turn to my parents, Alice's parents and Alice I hug them all crying. I can't believe it's actually over!

"Annabelle we won! We mother f-!," before she can finish Alice's mom covers her daughters mouth.

"Honey are you okay?," she asks, I nod.

Lennon I never ever felt so alive and brave after what I did.

Benny even though he was my best friend he betrayed the trust. Alice and my mother are having babies all this fucking drama. I got to school in a few days and I don't feel like facing them. They know what happened.

Lennon I learned that I never really knew Benny like I knew Alice which was since the first day of high school. I met Benny last year. I felt a little guilty since he won't be in juvenile hall but the actual thing, jail.

Lennon whisper your words of wisdom to me and let it be.

Til next time Lennon

Fuck Benny, I won, I'm safe and sound, thank god I'm not pregnant

And til next time Annabelle Marlie Angeline Savannah Oliver long ass name I know is out!

Remember the bad things make you stronger each time.

AN-so this chapter may sound like its the last one but good thing it isn't I'm continuing this story Annabelle is an amazing character and Lennon rocks. I loved writing this chapter and so til next update I am Ashley Alvarez and ya know what to do

VCF I dedicate this chappie to my best friend Carolina!!!

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