Going back

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Dear Lennon,

At school me and Alice got invited to a house party. Sooner or later I'll have to break the news to Alice that they don't except pregnant girls at the party. I didn't want to go it was my moms idea since its the end of October and she thinks it will get my mind off of the trial.

"Annabelle how about this does it make my fucking belly show?," Alice complains, she looks like fucking Kim Kardashian in this outfit it's a mid thigh dress and her tummy is bulging!

"Hon I have news," I say carefully Alice is delicate and violent pregnant.

"What? Don't tell me your pregnant too!," She says, I gasp.

"What the fuck no! I'm a virgin unlike you and your suppose to come from a religious family!," I scream Alice holds her hands up in surrender.

"Alice your pregnant you can't go to the house party plus there will be alcohol!," I say. Alice pouts oh thank god.

"Hell no I'll just stand by you!," is she really arguing with me! The total bitch if the world!

"Alice I will drag your little pregnant ass home unless you want an abortion don't go!," I say.

"Fine I want to keep my baby so I'll stay here but here take my phone and video tape it!," she says excitedly and stops.

"How about we just FaceTime during the whole party?," I say shrugging.

"Oh good idea now go get ready!," she shoos me off.

I decide to go for black jeans and a Beatles t-shirt(I had many if those).

"Bye mom! Bye Alice stay away from men!," I say as I'm leaving.


The house was stuffy and shit. The house belonged to the slut in our class. Great walking STDS everywhere!

I munch in chips bored as hell.

"Hey guuurrl have a drunkllk!," Danny slurs his words handing me a bottle of beer I shrug eh get drunk it's my last escape. I take a swig of the bottle. Danny whoops and walks away.

Five more bottles of beer I'm out.

"Hey everybody look here," someone calls out it belongs to Sarah the town it girl.

She flashes every boy, pfft it girl. I walk out dragging a vodka bottle behind me.

"Hey juiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!," I sing out loud. I burp and stumble to the floor giggling. I accidentally call Alice.

"You forgot to FaceTime me!," she whines

"Hey Alice did ya know I'm drunk!," I say slurring my words.

"What the fuck that is not the answer to your problems I'm picking you up I'll meet you in the front yard," wow even being pregnant made her a little mature, what a fucking pansy.

I walk out to the front yard people eye my Mohawk, tattoos, and my vodka bottle or whoever's bottle it used to be.

"Hey guys I'm drunk as a skunk andddddssss I sent Benny fucking Alexander jr. to rot in a cell haHahahhahahahaj," I cackle like a maniac, what the fuck was coming out of my mouth. Alice pulls up.

"Get your mother fucking ass off the grass!," she says holding her tummy.

" Ha grass ass that rhymes ya know!," I say. She drags me, one of the guys who are outside picks me up and stuffs me in the car.

"Hey don't molest me like Benny did ya filthy animal!," I giggle, fuck drunk people and there confessions.

Alice clicks her tongue and yells.

"You fucking got me worried belle what if you actually got rapped and got pregnant like me! huh what if you got fucking knocked up and called a slut? Hmm how about that do you want that in your life!," she scream crying.

"You were raped by Vincent?," I was no longer drunk, I was serious.

"I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would stress you out," she says pulling into her driveway I crashes at her home, her parents have finally excepted me.

"You can tell me anything Alice," I say. Oh we're definitely filing a complaint again.

"Ok don't drink again you hear me!," she says.

"Yeah yeah, ADD shit I get it," I say getting out and collapsing to the ground. I feel Seth, Alice's brother who's my age picking me up and dragging me to Alice's room.


In the morning my fucking head hurts. Mother fucking hangover hurt like a bitch. Again don't drink kids. My mom knew that I drank according to Alice my new 'mommy'

"You feeling better," she asks bringing me ginger ale, ahh the lifesaver of hangovers, I nod.

"Good you scared me," she said patting her belly, she'll make a good mother alright.

"Alice," I say.

"Yup," she perks up.

"You'll make an awesome mom," I say before falling back to sleep.

Ok Lennon bad decision making on my part but eh I was getting ready to whoop Vincent's ass tomorrow alright when we see the sixth graders.

Til next time

I love you Alice

Fuck off hangover Annabelle

P.S don't drown in your weakness which in this case is alcohol


AN- hey I just want you guys to know that since Alice is pregnant it will mature her a bit, my best friend cupcakegirl91 thought she was a bitch who was immature well she's not. I want her to be more ya know Alice.

Annabelle may seem like a bitch but she's actually hurting inside.

So ya know what to do VCF






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