New years

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Dear Lennon,

Did ya know that today is the thirty first of December? No yes maybe?

Well I heard that the ritual is that you kiss someone at twelve o clock good for me I'm a single bitch! The last time I got kissed was by Seth strangely.

I know I'm supposed to be with my family on this day but I'm going to a masquerade/red solo cup type of party. I'm making my mask with cardboard and spray painting it with a green day quote. Seth will do the same except he's more of a led zeppelin type of dude.

It is currently five o'clock and the party starts at uh six I guess yeah?

"Alice I'm sorry you can't come," I say while Alice throws a tamper tantrum, poor bitch.

"It's not fucking fair!!! I know this baby is in there but get the fuck out of there Nikolai!!!," she says and starts cursing in German, I hope it's a "boy Nikolai is a bad ass name.

"Ok stop bitchin and help me!," I say gesturing to my closet and me in my bathrobe.

"Here wear this so my brother can drool!," she says, she won't let it go! She wants me and Seth to start going out but it won't happen. She throws my black converse, a black shirt with a lighting bolt on it, and black shorts.

"Thanks now Mohawk or bun?," I ask pointing to my pink hair.

"Leave it down for one night," she says in between bites of her sandwhich, ha bitch cravings.

"Okie!," I say and I go to change. Nice outfit Alice is amazing.

"Wait here put this bow tie on and here's your purse the time is ugh five forty!," she screams pushing me towards her bathroom.


"So?," I say turning around for her.

"My brother will thank me," she says sighing and patting her belly.

"Shut the fuck up is he here?," I ask.

"Yeah go go have fun!" she says handing me my purse.

I run downstairs and see Seth in khaki shorts and some shirt I wave.

"Sup whats up with your hair?!," he laughs clutching his stomach, I punch him in the bulls.

"Shit," he cursed.

"Lets just get this thing over with shall we?," I say in a posh accent.

"We shall," he says.

Entering the mansion it's empty as fuck only thirty kids came. Me and Seth seat ourselves down at the bar.

"So happy almost new year Annie," he grins pushing me slightly. I grin back an order two coronas only to find out that they're in the back.

"I'll be back," I say walking outside.

"Hey," a familiar voice says, I jump oh my god it's Vincent that asshat.

"Da fuck you want!," I snap at him.

"Geez sorry is it that time of the month already? dude tell Alice I'm coming over to discuss the sex of the baby ok?," he asks.

"She told you already?," I ask, Alice hasn't told anyone.

"Yeah see you late better head back your boyfriend seems lonely," he punches me on the arm.

"Asshat!," I yell at him.

I get two corona beer bottles and head inside. Seth is swinging his feet nodding his head to the music.

"Catch," I say boredom overcoming me and throwing the bottle towards him and he catches it perfectly.

"Thank you," he says sipping his bottle. He holds it up for me to clink it I do so.

"Cheers to saying goodbye to all of the fucking drama!," I whoop and people whoop to.

"Hahaha your so stupid," he laughs.

"This party sucks ass did ya know that?!", I yell over the music.

"Open the fridge and get a carton of eggs meet me at the first balcony," Seth says running upstairs.

So much for red solo cups. I wasted all that time on my mask. I walk to the fridge in the kitchen and get two cartons of eggs, some egg addict.

I walk upstairs and go to the balcony and find Seth running towards me.

"Slow down dude!," I say stopping him with my hand. He grabs an egg and motions me over.

"One....two....three...go throw it Annabelle!!" he says dropping all his eggs hitting two girls in the process, we duck down.

"Your amazing!," I whisper at his genius prank. I get up and drop all mine hitting five bottle blondes!

"Want to get out of here?," Seth whispers.

"Where?," I ask.

"There's this diner that has a jukebox and it plays these old songs including the Beatles very retro come one," he says grabbing my hand and leading me out.

"Hey where you guys going the party just started!," the host says.

"No it died," I say and leave to Seth's car.

"Strawberry fields forever"

Well when we got here we were the only ones here and the jukebox worked amazingly! Seth and I pigged out on the most amazing sandwiches ever! Seth and I were playing the amazing game Mancala.

"What the fuck!," he yells slamming his marbles.

"I didn't win because I'm Asian!!" I say reminding him who's boss.

"Shhh I need to redeem myself!," he bangs his head on the table.

"Your going to get a migraine," I say.

"I don't care ow shit there it is!" he says holding his head.

"Haha told ya," I say looking at the time ten thirty.

"Ma'm could we get some coke?," Seth asks. The waitress comes over and gives us brown bags and puts a finger to her lips as if she had a secret.

I open the bag and see a jack Daniels bottle I thank her and sip on the goodness that is Jack Daniels.

"So much drinks right?," Seth says downing his drink in one sitting, he doesn't get drunk easily thank god.

"Yeah," I say.

"Ok ok tell me what's up?," he asks raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing I want my dog call Alice. Miss are animals allowed in here?," I ask waving at the owner.

"I guess no one is here," she says. I smile. Seth takes out his phone and calls Alice to meet us at the diner.

"She can stay if she wants,"I say.

"Oh she is," Seth laughs.

It's eleven thirty where the fuck is Alice?!

"Hey you guys sorry I got lost Seth take the mutt," she says.

"Watch your mouth you bitch he's my baby!," I gasp.

"Sorry," she says sliding into the booth sitting across from us. Mayday sits at my feet.

I wonder where the other siblings are at.

"Alice where are your siblings?," I ask.

"Samantha is at her boyfriends place and the rest are at some football game," she shrugs sipping her smoothie.

"It's eleven forty you guys," Seth says trying to sip my bottle, I hit his hand.

"Don't do that!," I whine. Seth pokes me, I glare at him he stops.

"You guys are to cute," Alice says counting down the minutes till twelve.


Me and Seth are real close like we could be siblings type of close, so when we countdown the seconds I stare at him. Could I like him in that way? Maybe.

I erase all my bad memories from Benny to well everything and pet mayday. Seth turns around and his smile drops.

"Fuck it," I mumble and kiss Seth.

"Happy New Years!!!!," Alice cheers.

I continue kissing Seth and he pulls me closer.

"Oh my god!," I hear a camera flash twice knowing Alice is watching us practically make out.

"Stop your going to swallow each other!," Alice laughs.

"Finally!," she sighs. I pull away from Seth.

"Alice please don't tell me you saw that," I mumble. Seth was grinning like a lunatic.

"I did and so did my mom," Alice smiles.

I groan and sit back.

"Well happy New Years Annie," Seth says yawning.

"Seth you finally made out with her yay!!!," Alice cheers and mayday licks our faces.

Alice goes to the bathroom.

"Well some kiss huh?," I ask stealing his words.

"Shut up," he laughs and kisses me again, well Lennon this is some kiss ain't it!! I don't do tongue and neither does Seth thankfully we just make out holding each other. What. A. Night.

Til next time Lennon

Fucking got kissed, Annabelle

P.S-I got kissed at midnight!!!


AN-ok so I had to do it. Seth and Annabelle just had to. I will update on valentines day of course my lovelies and I will see ya next update okie

VCF ya know

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