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Dear Lennon,

As we all know and have to accept me as a senior is growing up. I remember when as a little kid and we vowed that we would never grow up, well we grow up everyday. Everyone should stop being little shitheads and get over that fear of becoming someone better than yourself which is the silent definition of growing up. I thought about this as Seth snored next to me. We were still in the motel room, we decided that in the morning we'd not go home but spend the day causing havoc in Florida. Fuck this shit I'm changing Florida to Floriduh because it sounds cooler in my vocabulary.

Also it was morning since sunlight came through the curtains. I was bored also so I woke Seth up by shaking him vigorously which earning me a tired, "Annie!!!!".

"What time is it?, "he groggily asks. I sit up.

"Time to get a watch, I'm bored," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"And that concerns me because?," he asks half smiling.

"Because your my boyfriend duh, lets play thumb war,"

"Fine" so we hook our hands together and our thumbs in position.

"One two three four I declare a thumb war!," we chant together and the battle starts with me instantly going to the bathroom which is just another excuse to not fight. I pop back up again and I half scream half cry when Seth's big ass thumb clamps on my little one.

"You beat me with your fat thumb!," I complain and he examines his not really fat thumb, I just like to be mean for no reason sometimes it's like I have no filter in the mean section of my brain. This reminds me of that episode of spongebob where mini spongebob's in his brain can't find his name. Just imagine little Annabelles running around looking for the kindness in me.

"Not my fault, now what is the plan for today?," he asks getting up to change into his tuxedo again.

"Um first things first we need clothes.... Who wants to go thrift shopping?!," I say in a sing song voice. Thrift shopping in Floriduh is like unicorns on rainbows, if that even existed.


We probably looked like two idiots taking the walk of shame home. Only difference was we were taking the walk of shame but to the thrift shop. Parents stared at us as we walked hand in hand. I saluted one of them and they grimaced.

We finally made it to the thrift shop and we separated, me going to the women's section and him to the men's section. I just needed pants because I was fine with wearing the shirt I had on, the skirt on the other hand looked wrinkled and it sort of gave away what happened at the motel. I found a whole variety of jeans, mom jeans, apple bottom jeans, jeans that are so tight that it would squeeze the poop out of you, and then I found the perfect one for Floriduh weather, jean shorts and I bought them along with Seth's cargo shorts and tank.

"One lady asked me if I came here often, she was like seventy years old, don't you ever leave me alone," Seth says shuddering at the thought of a pedophile or cougar or whatever they're called.

"Awww embrace the pedophilia that life has to offer alright," I say chuckling as we walk to our next destination, the aquarium which in Tampa I believe is open at ten o'clock and it was eleven o'something.

"So your fine if I dated an old woman?," he asked laughing.

"No I'm not fine with that, but it's not like she'll stuff you in her old lady car because your stronger than a brittle old lady," I say also we changed in the bathroom. Also if your wondering about my phone, it rang so many times signaling Alice and mom it was not funny so I turned it off completely.

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