1 | Marcabeth?!

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1 | Marcabeth?!

Authors note: This is my first fan fiction so please don't hate.

Edit: guys the first couple of chapters are complete shit, believe me, I know. It gets better and I will hopefully be soon updating these chapters to a "better" quality :)

Edit Edit (Wow is this even a thing): to New READERS; this fanfiction needs to be edited so please excuse any plot holes, grammar, and over all stupidity (which is something I had while writing this). Thanks!

Percy POV:

I looked at the box in my hand. It was a blue velvet box that contained something very special. I then thought of that pig, Marcus the son of Poseidon.


I heard yelling at the top of Half-Blood Hill. Being the guy I am, I went to go check what was going on. There I saw a boy hiding behind a bush as his satyr battled against a hydra. Sadly, I got there too late. I hauled the boy up and saw that he had plenty of muscle. As soon as he set foot in camp a green trident appeared over his head, symbolizing him as a son of Poseidon I have a brother, I thought excitedly.

Soon after I rescued him, Marcus started changing the story of how he came here. He told everyone that the satyr died when "Marcus" was fighting the hydra. He then told everyone as soon as I came I hid behind a bush cowering in fear. Even thought this rumour was mean, I didn't let it effect me because I still had my friends and that's all that matters. Mark didn't stop there. He had started stealing things and blaming me. Yet I was the only one to see him do it. Soon all I had left was Annabeth. Paul and Mom died in a car crash. And I was planning on not letting her slip through my fingers.

***********END OF FLASHBACK********************

Deep breaths I thought. I've been practicing on Ms. O'Leary for what seemed like forever until I think I got it right. An hour before I asked Annabeth to meet me at the beach at 6:00 and it's now 5:30. I decided to go get the place decked out before 6. I walked to the beach with the box in my pocket and a picnic basket in my hand.

I was getting close to the beach when I heard whispering. I ducked into a bush. I peeked out to see a blond and raven hair guy kissing on the beach. Actually no, they were just kissing they were full on sucking each other's faces like guppy fish. I rolled my eyes but then I looked close and saw.....ANNABETH! WHAT?

This can't be, yet it was. I thought maybe it was a joke before he said "Annabeth when will dump that loser of a boyfriend Percy?" "Oh don't worry Marcus I'm dumping that wimp tonight when he asked me to meet me here!" giggled Annabeth.

My eyes grew big and I couldn't hold in my anger. "ANNABETH! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? AFTER ALL I DID AND YOU CHEAT ON ME! AND TO THINK I WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TO YOU TONIGHT!" I yell all my anger coming off me.

"P-Percy please j-just listen..." Annabeth started before I interrupted her,"No Annabeth I don't want to hear your lies."

With silent tears rolling down my face I ran to my cabin where I was met by my father. "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO SPLIT MARCABETH! I AM DISOWNING AND YOU ARE HERE BY BANISHED FROM CAMP HALF-BLOOD! How did I ever think you were a hero! Everything you did, you did with help. Unlike Mark who did everything by himself like a true hero " Poseidon screamed. Poseidon then misted out of the room. Before leaving I wrote a note.

Dear Campers,

I would like you all to know I never stole a thing. I wrote each of you a special message:


We were good friends until Marcus accused me of breaking your weapon. Keep the Ares cabin in line for me will you? Good bye

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