Terroriser: pouring rain

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I had just got home from a hard day of work and was ready to just crash. I have been waiting all day to just come home and go to bed. It was about 11:09 pm when I walked through the door. I took off my shoes, put all my things up and walked up stairs.

When I was walking down the hall to get to my room I heard voices. A girls voice and my boyfriends voice. It was more like moaning. My heart immediately dropped, I had tears in my eyes, I couldn't function what was going on. I was so angry and sad at the same time. After 2 minutes of just standing there,I burst through the door.

Exactly what I thought. Some girl all over my boyfriend. They immediately jumped up grabbing their clothes and she ran out. "How the fuck could you Jake?! I thought you fucking loved me!!" I yelled. "Yeah I did but you got so boring y/n, all you do is work, you never have time to meet my needs!" He said "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm the one that works! I make the money around here while you sit on your lazy ass! You're such an asshole. I'm out of here. You can keep having that slut meet your needs!" I said as I grabbed some of my things. "What the fuck ever" is all he could say. He stormed out with tears in his eyes. As if he has the right to be upset and cry. I grabbed a bag and packed things that were essential and ran down stairs, out the door. Jake then walked out yelling things but I was to busy crying and ignoring him.

With my luck it started pouring down raining. I have been walking for about 16 minutes, I then got to the bus stop . As I sat there waiting for the bus with my head in my hands crying, I heard a guys Irish voice. I looked up to a very cute guy with brown hair and blue eyes. "Why are you out here in the pouring rain? Someone as gorgeous as you shouldn't be out here." He spoke. My face immediately got red. "Oh..um..well I don't have anywhere to go..my boyfriend was cheating on me so I walked out on him." I said quietly "Oh I am so sorry. He doesn't deserve a girl as pretty as you. I'm Brian by the way or you can call me Terroriser." He said "Thank you and my name is Y/N" I said awkwardly. I felt stupid as I sat on the bench in the pouring rain. This man looked so perfect, and I looked like a hot mess.

He broke my thoughts by saying "How about I drive you to a hotel? I really wouldn't want to leave you out here by yourself this late at night. We can grab a bite to eat if you would like?"  "Oh thank you much! I really do appreciate it but I would hate to bother you so late." I said to the sweet Irish man. "Oh please you wouldn't be bothering me. Like I said I would feel bad for leaving a pretty girl out in the rain this late." He said as he grabbed his keys from his pockets. "Fine but I'll be the one paying for dinner since you are being so kind." I said as I got up grabbing my bags that I had with me. He chuckled and helped me with my bags, putting them in the trunk of his car.

I know I shouldn't be trusting some random man that I met on the street but something about him felt so warm and welcoming. Maybe I was being a silly girl but I felt safe with him.


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