CaRtOoNz: break up

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Warning this contains cutting and alcohol. If you don't like that stuff I suggest you don't read this one.

CaRtOoNz pov:

I sit here in my bedroom with bottle of fireball in my hand. Delirious comes busting through the door. "You fucked up man. You fucked her up. She's a mess Luke!" He yelled at me. "For fuck sakes Jonathan! I can't do shit about it! What do you want me to fucking do?! I can't change shit!" I yelled back at him. "Listen man this is your fault. You can at least try to fix it! Would you really want Y/N to fucking kill herself?! If you let her die, so god help me I will fucking murder you!" He yelled. I was getting frustrated with him. Yes it was my fault she's a mess but why would I help the situation? I would just make it worse. I loved her I truly did and I still do. It's just I always fuck up shit. I really let her down. "I'm going to go talk to her" I said quietly. "Good!" He spit.

-------------20 minutes later-----------

Your pov:

I was sitting but I was sitting outside on the roof. How wonderful would it be if I just jumped. Feel like I'm flying. Flying away from this awful world. I wasn't paying attention but then all of a sudden someone sits beside me. Him. The one and only Luke Patterson. "What the fuck do you want" I angrily ask him. The vodka was honestly speaking. "I just wanted to talk. Maybe try to clear up some things." He said. "Mhm, I bet Jonathan sent you here. Anyways there is nothing to talk about so bye." I said coldly.

CaRtOoNz pov:

"Mhm, I bet Jonathan sent you here. Anyways there is nothing to talk about so bye." She said coldly. Damn I truly fucked up. I love her so much but yet I never cared to show it. She had tears streaming down her beautiful face. God she looked like such a mess but a gorgeous mess. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I was such a dick to you, I never paid any attention to you, I never gave you the love you deserved, but you gave me everything in the world. For fuck sakes I had the world in my arms. I had you Y/N!" I had said while crying. Her eyes soften but then they turned back to being dark and careless. "You should be. You fucked me up Luke. You know how long it's been. 4 months and your just now apologizing?!" She yelled at me. "Such a coward!" She said under her breath. " I know! I was a coward! I could never bring myself to say it to your face! I thought you wouldn't care though." I said still crying. "Your right, I don't care." She said coldly. "Y/N, this isn't you. Stop it. Stop doing this to me!" I yelled at her while I was crying. She sat there shaking her head. " now you know how I feel. But I felt so much worse." She said with tears streaming down her face. We sat there for 20 minutes. Not talking or anything. She then broke down crying causing my heart to break. I brung her into my lap. Whispering it's okay. she laid there for 2 minutes then yelled "no it's not okay!" She got up running back through the window. I chased after her but for her to only close her door and lock it. I wanted to be with her in case she did something bad. I remember I had a key but it was at home so I ran to my car to go get it.

Your pov:

I sat in the bathroom crying. Come on Y/N you can't just let him back in! You have to be tough! I was yelling at myself. I was sitting there for 10 minutes and then I had the urge to start cutting. I had cut before I met Luke but he made me happy again so I never did it but look at me now. I got out the razor looking at it. "We meet again." I spoke. I had about 20 cuts on my arm. Then I made a really deep one. Someone was banging on the bathroom door but my vision and hearing was going out. Probably from all the blood lose. It was Luke. He finally broke down the door. He looked at me and he lost all color. "Y/N?! No what did you do!?!" He yelled at me. "Good bye, I will always love you." I said quietly to him. He hurried and picked me up. Then my eyes closed

CaRtOoNz pov:

Your not fucking dying on me Y/N!! I called 911. After about 3 minutes they got here. She wasn't dead just unconscious but still I was scared for her life. I called Delirious and everyone in the crew while I hurried to the hospital.

-------------7 hours later ------------

I was sitting next to her, holding her hand waiting for her to wake up. I was laying my head on her stomach when I felt someone's hand playing with my hair. I looked up to see Y/N awake. "Y/N! Your alive! Oh thank the lord!" I said as I hugged her. She laughed! her amazing laugh! oh it's so good to hear it again! "Luke?" She asked quietly. "Yes hun?" I asked. "Why did you save me?" She asked. "Y/N, it's because I love you. I want to be with you forever. If we can't date I at least want you alive and healthy. Can you please forgive me?! I need you! I need you with me!" I said a few tears escaping my eyes. "I love you. I forgive you. I can't live with out you Luke." She said quietly.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.

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