H2O Delirious: Teddy Bear

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I grabbed my phone to check what time it was, 4:38 am. I looked over to see if Delirious was sleeping next to me but he wasn't. He was gone. I started to get worried so I got up to go look for him. All of a sudden music started blaring. I recognized the song. It was called " Teddy Bear " by Melanie Martinez.

"Stitched you up, put you together with cotton and feather"

"Gave you love, put my heart Inside you, oh what could I do"

"When you started talking in your sleep saying things you'd do to me"

"I didn't care, I wasn't scared"

I went outside of our bedroom to only find everything a mess. There was blood everywhere. I looked down the hall way "Jonathan, where are you?! If this is some prank, your fucking sick! Please come out I'm scared!!" I yelled.
I decided to go back into the bedroom to see if I can find any weapons to protect myself.

"Now I'm finding knifes under the sheets, crumbled photographs of me"

I decided to just check and look under the sheets for any knives and what do you know, there were knifes and photographs of me.

"I'm in despair, should I be scared?"

"Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear"

I walked out of my room to go look for Jonathan. I ran around the house to find no sight of him or anyone. Just shit loads of blood everywhere and a few notes saying "your never gonna leave me" "your mine!" I didn't give a shit about me I just wanted to find Jonathan, My Teddy Bear. Then it hit me. The lyrics. They match the situation I'm in. Oh fuck.

"You were comforting and quite, how did love become so violent"

I was currently in the kitchen when I decided to just go back and lock myself in the bedroom but it was to late. By time I turned around he was standing right there. He inched a little closer. I spoke "why are you doing this Jonathan? Why are you scaring me like this?!" I was crying so hard. "You think I'm gonna let you run away from me?! No one else is aloud to love you Y/N! Your mine!!!" He began to yell. I was terrified.

"Everything was sweet until you tried to kill me"

He started coming closer to me. I backed up trying to get away from him. He jumped at me trying to grab me but I dodged him running for my life. I was crying. "Please Teddy Bear no one is going to take me away from you!" I yelled while tears streaming down my face. "Bullshit you'll leave me like everyone else does" he yelled back becoming more angry.

"I'm so unprepared, I'm fucking scared"

My vision became blurry from all of the tears. I tripped over the teddy bear he gave me a while back. He caught me. I pushed away but he was to strong

"Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear"

" you were comforting and quiet, how did love become so violent?"

"oh teddy bear, you were my teddy bear"

"Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me"

He then stabbed me in my chest. My vision went black.

I woke up screaming. Someone shaking me. I looked up to see Jonathan. I screamed and crawled away. "Y/N, what's wrong?! Why are you scared of me, babe?" He spoke
"Y-you killed me in m-my dream." I said. "He grabbed me and started cuddling me. "Baby you know I would never do that. Come on let's get you back to bed." He said. With that my Teddy Bear and I went back to sleep cuddling each other.

Hope you guys like it. It's kinda short not to to long. I'm starting to run out of scenarios though so please help me with those!


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