Vanoss: the hockey game

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One of my very good friends and basically only friend had dragged me out to his hockey game. I will admit I have this big crush on him. I've had one since the day I met him. I love to hang out with Evan but I hate being in big crowds and he knows it. It was the last hockey game of the year so I decided to just go. I got out of my car and prepared my self for the big crowd. I walked through the doors going into the stadium above the ice rink. Everyone was there and as soon as I saw everyone my anxiety kicked in. I had no where to sit so I was awkwardly standing there. As I was looking into the crowds I saw one of Evans good friends waving me over to go sit by him.

---------------Time skip------------

There was only 15 seconds left of the game and it was tied. 5 to 5. Evan had the puck, he was dodging everyone making sure they weren't taking it away from him. Then he hit the puck and released it into the net. Evan had scored! He won the game for us! I was so happy for him! He took his hockey helmet off and looked directly at me, he had the biggest smile on his face. He quickly skated to the locker room to go change.

---------------time skip--------------

17 minutes had passed. As soon as I looked up from my phone he was jogging over to me. I gave him a big hug and said "oh my gosh Evan! You did it! I'm so happy for you! You did absolutely amazi-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I was shocked at first bur started to kiss back. Evan was kissing me! His soft lips were actually on mine! We both pulled apart, and were smiling like nerds. The whole team and some other fans who were still there started to cheer for us causing us to laugh and me to get very embarrassed. "God I've been waiting 2 years to do that." He spoke. "So have I Evan" I replied back as I had the biggest smile on my face. "I didn't think you actually felt that way about me" I said as I looked down at my feet. "Y/N I've always liked you, I'm not sure how you haven't seen it! I haven't even flirted with another girl since I've met you!" He said as he lifted up my chin so I was looking at him. I just shook my head and laughed. He leaned in for another kiss. Oh how I could get used to this.

Sorry this one is pretty short:(


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