Vanoss: Canada

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Your Pov:

"Okay I'm at the airport right now. When will you be here to pick me up?" I asked Evan through the phone. "I'll be there in 10 minutes." He said then he hung up. I sat down on the bench in the freezing snow waiting for Evan to pick me up. After 15 minutes I started getting worried and decided to call him then a car pulled up. "I'm here, I'm here." He said opening up the door for me. "It's about time" I said. "Sorry the traffic was bad." He said as I got into the car. "God it's freezing." I said shivering. "Well duh Y/N! What did you suspect the weather to be like in Toronto, Canada?" He asked chuckling. "Well sorry Evan." I said rolling my eyes playfully. After a few minutes we were finally at his house. I opened up my door and grabbed my bags, following right behind Evan when my dumbass decided to slip on some ice and fall but then Evan caught me. "Wow falling for me already?" He said winking. "Shut up." I said blushing and standing back up. "But yes I did fall for you." I said under my breath. "What? I didn't hear you." He asked. "Nothing." I said walking behind him. He unlocked the door and helped me with my bags. "I'll show you your room." He said walking upstairs with some of my bags. "So is there anything fun around here to do?" I asked looking at Evan. "I really want to take you ice skating!" He said getting excited. "Oh lord I'm going to bust my ass." I said laughing a little. "Aww no you won't. I'll be sure to help you." He said smiling and putting my bags down.

*** 3 days passed ***

"Come on let's go! I'm so excited!" I said jumping onto his back. "Fine we can go to the rink." He said as I jumped off his back. "Aw thank you." I said kissing his cheek and when I did his cheeks turned bright red. "Aw your cute when your blushing." I said smiling and chuckling. "Whatever let's go." He said stilling blushing and walking away.

*** at the skating rink ***

"I'm doing it!" I yelled getting excited. "All by yourself too." He said chuckling and smiling. Then I lost my balance and I was about to bust my ass when Evan caught me. "I told you I wouldn't let you fall." He said winking which caused me to blush. "You need to stop falling for me." He said chuckling as I stood back up. "I'm sorry I just can't help it." I said winking back at him. Then some little kid accidentally pushed him which caused him to almost fall. "I'm so sorry." The little boy said. "It's okay." Evan said smiling back at the little boy. After the boy skated away Evan lost his balance like I did which caused him to fall but I grabbed his hand before he did. "Mhm look who's falling for me." I said winking at him. He stood there looking into my eyes as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes. Before I could ask what he smashed his lips onto mine. We both pulled back out of breath. "Woah." I said looking at him. "Yeah woah Indeed." He said looking at me still. "This has definitely been one of the best trips ever." I said smiling and laughing. "I'm glad I could make it one to remember." He said smiling and kissing my lips.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.


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